Place Brand Logo Puffery

Most cities, towns and countries who take on the task to develop their brands spend a great deal of money essentially changing their logos under the pretense that their logo is their brand.
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Is Creativity Bad for Marketing?

As a writer just typing the question, “Is creativity bad for marketing?” hurts a little. But I’ve been in some situations recently where it was evident that the long-term objectives were not being well served by an infusion of creativity.
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The Biggest Content Marketing Mistake Brands Make Today

Many brands that have invested in content marketing over the last few years took a strictly owned media approach. They created copious amounts of content and published it on their own websites via a blog or something similar. After that they used their own social channels to broadcast the content.
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5 Steps to Deal with Business Downtime

Unexpected downtime can happen at any time and accidents happen, though we should note that they should always try to be mitigated. Firstly, as it says on the back of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, “Don’t panic.”
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