How to Name Your Business

A name is the cornerstone of your business—it sets the stage for your branding and identity. Just imagine if Target still went by its original name: The Dayton Dry Goods Company. If you’re about to start a business (or maybe are thinking about rebranding an existing business), you’ve probably been brainstorming for the perfect name.
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Using an Attorney in Negotiations

Negotiations are an area where small businesses often call for help from an attorney, but the decision to let an attorney handle negotiations can be tricky. So how do you know whether to let your attorney negotiate on your behalf or just be a sounding board to provide you with guidance?
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What is a Franchise Agreement?

The franchise agreement is the written contract between the franchisor and franchisee. It is the fundamental legal document upon which the franchisor-franchisee relationship is based. The franchise agreement details the conditions that both the franchisee and franchisor must understand and accept.
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The Basics of Partnerships

Partnerships consist of an association of two or more persons who assume co-ownership of a business for profit. While partnerships are relatively easy to set-up, there are some basic tips that if followed can lead to a long-lasting and rewarding partnership.
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Top 7 Tips for Individuals Starting a Pharmacy Business

Many people are tired of the chain pharmacies and want more of a personal feeling. With a small, independent pharmacy business, the pharmacists can get to know their clients, and the clients can feel a bit more confident that they are being taken care of. So how does someone start a pharmacy business?
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Contract Agreements Every Small Business Should Have in Place

It might be tempting to seal a deal with a handshake. After all, verbal formalities just slow things down—and as a small business owner, you’ve got countless other things to do to run your business. However, having the proper contracts in place will give you and your business solid legal protection should the need arise.
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How to Know When You Need a Contract

Do you sometimes lie awake at night wondering what will happen if your biggest customer doesn’t pay you? How about if the vendor handling your website upgrade takes off with your thousand-dollar down payment? These scenarios would be a nightmare for any bootstrapping entrepreneur—and they happen all the time.
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