How to Get Great Business Travel Deals

Whether you’re a private consultant paying your own bills (and tracking carefully for tax write-offs) or working for a massive company, you are surely being urged from one source or another to scale back your business expenses.
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Choosing a Managed Office for Your Company

There are an increasing number of small to medium businesses choosing to rent managed or serviced office space rather than opening their own offices. This can have a number of benefits including cost savings, access to additional equipment and allowing business owners to do their part when it comes to being environmentally friendly.
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Milking the Business

If you have worked for a corporation for a few years before you start your own venture, you need to really prepare for the first time of not having a paycheck every two weeks. While you hear stories about all the personal things that your business can pay for through the company, milking your company can be a very big problem.
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Avoiding Charge-Backs

A charge-back is a credit card processed sales transaction that occurs when your customer disputes the transaction or when you fail to follow proper credit card acceptance and authorization procedures. The result of a charge-back is a reversal of the transaction, the withdrawal of funds from your merchant account and a deposit of the funds back into your customer’s account.

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Factors That Determine the Transaction Fee Effective Rate

Transaction fees, also called effective rates or merchant fees, are fees that are charged to you by your payment processor on each transaction processed. The fee includes the bank interchange, the credit card association fees, and the processor fee. There are several factors that will determine your transaction fees:
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