6 Unconventional Ways Small Business Owners Can Cut Costs

unconventional ways to cut costs

When we think about cost-cutting measures in a small business, the usual suspects like minimizing office supplies or reducing employee hours come to mind. Yet, subtle money-saving strategies could pile up to a hefty sum in the long haul. Adding HVAC stickers to remind you about furnace maintenance and adopting a paperless office are just…

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5 Ways To Reduce Energy Consumption in Commercial Buildings

reducing energy consumption

Reducing energy consumption in commercial buildings is crucial for two primary reasons: it minimizes their environmental impact and cuts operational costs. A high energy consumption rate can lead to increased greenhouse gas emissions and a strain on resources, thereby contributing to climate change. Additionally, high utility bills can adversely affect a company’s budget. In light…

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19 Ways To Take Your Business Off The Grid

The conversation around energy conservation, sustainability, and reducing the carbon footprint of your business has been gaining momentum in recent times. With the advent of renewable energies becoming increasingly affordable and accessible, many businesses are open to exploring solutions that allow them to go off the grid with their premises. Here Are 19 Ways To…

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5 Ways Small Businesses Can Embrace Smart Home Technology

As smart home technology continues to evolve and improve people’s everyday lives, it begs the question: why aren’t more small businesses doing the same thing? Small businesses are a cornerstone in the majority of today’s industries, and technology has played a big part in helping them to compete with the big names. A quick glance…

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5 Reasons Backup Power Is Critical for Your Business During Emergencies

Global energy demand continues to rise, and various challenges affect the total supply. This has resulted in significant outages in some cases. Emergency or backup power solutions are becoming more instrumental than ever for anyone that wants to thrive in today’s unpredictable landscape. Adverse events are happening within the United States borders and in Europe,…

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6 Practical Ways to Reduce Business Costs

Businesses are always seeking new ways to reduce their business costs and increase profits, but if they can do so in a way that also helps your business to thrive, so much the better. The following list provides a great selection of ways you can keep business costs low while also working more efficiently.  Outsource…

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6 Ways to Reduce Your Business Electricity Prices

For all small businesses, controlling costs is vital. However, many businesses are still overpaying on their energy bills. With so much to focus on for small business owners, it’s easy to put off reviewing your energy costs. This approach can leave small businesses on expensive deemed contracts. Around 10% of micro businesses are on deemed…

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4 Proven Ways to Reduce Your Business Energy Costs

As an entrepreneur and business owner, you know it’s not simple: you always need to keep the organization and productivity flowing in the workplace, create a teamwork-driven environment, collaborate with your employees, and so much more. But as you’re checking things off the list to constantly take care of, do your energy costs come up…

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Why Solar Energy is a Smart Investment for Your Business

With climate change and environmental sustainability making recent headlines and gaining global attention, business owners across the U.S. are weighing the advantages and disadvantages of utilizing solar energy to better their company. If you’re like many of these business owners, the idea of solar power might be risky. However, whether or not you’re primarily concerned…

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