Bill Hogg

Bill works with senior leaders to stimulate change – that excelerates passion, productivity and profits! For over 30 years, Bill has been the go to guy when the world’s most recognized brands are faced with challenges that require change -- to improve bottom line results. Bill takes no prisoners, and his clients love him for it! For additional articles and information on how to transform your organization visit us online at


Leaders Need to Change First Before Organizations Change

A common theme that has emerged throughout my years of experience as a leadership expert is that creating change within an organization starts with leadership.

How to Get Your Team to Buy into Organizational Change

In my experience as a leadership expert and consultant, change is never easy. It is not easy for leaders, managers, or employees. Change poses a threat for most people, especially when it comes to their career or position within their organization.

10 Tips to Keep Your Team Positive

Your sales and customer service team are the primary customer contact for every business. What does their attitude say about your company? If some of your team are not communicating the message you want, here are 10 questions to ask yourself to ensure they stay positive, focused on message and deliver an exceptional customer service experience.

Critical Qualities of a Top Manager

In business we are only as successful as the people we hire. And while our front-line employees are critical to our business, choosing the right managers can have significant impact on our success.

The Power of Parables

If you have real stories that demonstrate behaviors you want to see modeled in your organization attributes, especially when imbued with emotional impact, they are priceless.

3 Simple Steps to Help You Win the Customer Service Race

Excellent customer service is a hot commodity in today’s challenging economic environment. One way is to treat employees the way you expect them to treat your customers—and each other.

3 Ways to Improve Your Leadership Aptitude

Being a leader is not the same as being a manager. And while we’ve looked at qualities a true leader possesses, let’s consider how to become a better leader—especially for those who are not lucky enough to be “born leaders”.

5 Steps to Customer Service Glory

Sadly, the personal touch customers want—and deserve—is often lost in the daily grind of doing business, especially in larger companies. Too often the leaders do not model the very behaviors they expect from their teams.

4 Powerful Ways to Motivate Your Team

Inspiring leaders recognize that money is not the main reason people come to work. Sure, it’s the primary motivator for why we work—but once the concept of comparable pay for comparable work has been addressed, it fails to inspire passion in the work place.

4 Reasons a Leader Embraces Change

A leader has an entirely different vision to that of a manager. Managers fear change because it upsets their carefully structured way of life—while leaders embrace change because they know that change leads to new ways of growth and accomplishment.