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Osmosis Streamlines Projects into More Billable Work

Work without pay? Unless you’re a masochist or working for charity, nothing could be worse. Yet professionals put in a lot of effort all the time drafting proposals, dealing with projects run amok, and battling to collect payment, with nothing extra to show for their energy spent. Just part of the job? No. There’s a better way to do things.

Osmosis (www.getosmosis.com) is an application that helps creative professionals secure work and complete projects faster. With designers, developers, and agencies specifically in mind, Osmosis provides tools that minimize the time spent managing projects and frees people to get more paid work done.
Done Right From the Beginning
Scattered email discussions or numerous meeting about the nature of a project sap time and spirit. And delay everyone from making money. Osmosis automates the information gathering process with client questionnaires. Built from templates using questions that have proven effective, these questionnaires prompt clients to define the scope of projects and state requirements clearly.

Precise details make putting together winning proposals that much easier. This shortens the drafting process and allows work to begin as soon as possible. Osmosis provides proposal templates as well, which further expedites matters. Since these documents are reusable, they help streamline workflow in the long run. What’s more, all documents can be customized for branding. A professional appearance also helps stand out from competition and leads to more work.

Avoiding the Creeps
Vaguely defined projects tend to never end, making them less worthwhile in the first place and causing bad will between clients and service providers. Osmosis eliminates any such nastiness. The questionnaires and proposals ensure project objectives are made obvious at the outset. Contracts prevent arguments over deliverables, and here Osmosis supplies agreements that can be signed electronically. Why invite confusion or dispute into the partnership? Best to be on the same page as to what will happen if a project changes before it changes.

An activity stream on Osmosis allows for clients and service providers to communicate with ease. Osmosis also integrates with a number of widely-used project management platforms such as Freshbooks, Harvest, Highrise, Zapier, Basecamp, and Trello. Such compatibility facilitates the collaboration so important to achieving results that satisfy everyone.
Sound organization, professionalism, and an established work flow translate leads into projects, and projects into finished jobs quicker (which, of course, also means happier customers and the freedom to take on more work). As a developer and an entrepreneur, Dominic St-Pierre learned this firsthand working with his clients. He’s fused all of his experience into building Osmosis. Prior ventures include bootstrapping other startups solo and founding a development company in 2007, Focus Centric, focused on offering a content management system and e-commerce application.

Make life easier on yourself. Spend less time courting clients and more time completing projects for them. Try streamlining and growing your business using Osmosis, taking advantage of a free 14-day trial period currently available on the website.

This article was originally published by Killer Startups
Keith Liles is a freelance writer who loves travel, music, wine, hiking, poetry, and just about everything. He practices saying “yes” to life vigorously, rehearsing for the phone call when he’s asked to tour with Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band.

Published: October 4, 2013

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