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It Takes a Balance of Creativity, Communication, and Technology to Make a Good Website

By: Wakas Javed


It Takes a Balance of Creativity Communication and Technology

You’ve probably heard someone suggest that it’s important to have balance in your life, whatever your activity, your passion, or your business. This applies to holding on to the proven methods of the past and combining these with what will work in the near future. Balance is certainly essential when you’re in the process of developing a website for your company, especially a balance of creativity and technology.

All of us have come face to face with “something” in our lives that is much too complex and confusing to understand, much less use. You definitely don’t want this to be the reaction of potential customers when they come to your home page or a landing page, with the intent to buy!

You need to make sure they can use the site to purchase or gather information just as easily as they would if they strolled into a physical store location in your community. Therefore you need to communicate with them effectively through your website, so you must have these five essential communication skills to build a user friendly portal.

How to Understand the Difference

You can, of course, simply provide the basic information and a few specific details to a professional web-designer, then hope for the best. If you’ve worked with this individual or company previously and were satisfied with the results, you probably don’t have a lot to worry about.

But, is the so-called “status quo” in web development going to be enough for your business to thrive, to grow in a healthy way? Start this planning process by clearly defining your goals, looking at content as the key to successful marketing.

Once you become comfortable with the amount of copywriting you’ll use in relation to other content such as photos, graphics, and videos, you have taken a good first step toward your balance between creativity and technology.

Don’t make the mistake some online companies make and use all the technology available just because you can. This is the type of website that can deter a potential customer, keeping them from your ultimate goal of paying for your product or service.

You should use a comfortable amount of copywriting (text) in a direct manner. While it’s tempting to hire the least-expensive writer or to attempt to create the copy yourself, you’ll usually come out ahead with the services of an experienced, professional writer. Combine this with other content and marketing tools, such as video, product photos, audio, and so on.

When Are You Finished?

This is a very important question to be asked during the development process, but not necessarily when you and your developer believe you’re done. Do your best to use your site as a customer, or have someone else navigate and shop as a pre-release trial. It will be crucial to your success. Remember, you’re trying to make the online experience as painless and stress-free as possible.

You’re definitely not trying to impress the potential customer with your developer’s technical ability or with your healthy marketing bank account. It’s essential to keep your goal in mind, and to find the right balance between technology and creativity that produces results. Test and re-test if you must, to find this happy place.

Published: April 26, 2018

Wakas Javed

Wakas Javed

Wakas Javed is an Entrepreneur, Google Adwords Certified Partner, Marketing and Training Manager at Webspeed.co.uk. He is a Contributor @goodmenproject, @TechCoHQ and many authority websites where he shares professional experience about business startups and training. Follow @wakasjaved on Twitter.

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