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5 Tips to Effectively Sell Your Services Online

By: Vlad Dobrynin


Tips to Effectively Sell Your Services Online

In today’s digital era, technology is continuing to evolve rapidly and play an even greater role in our everyday lives. In response, companies across industries are transitioning their operations and services online. For the growing number of independent and gig workers, leveraging online capabilities is crucial for finding strong customer bases and ultimately achieving success. Here are five tips for individuals looking to effectively sell their services online:

1. Create a personal website

Personal websites are a great tool for housing portfolios, contact information and other professional information. For individuals who don’t have their own business, personal websites offer an effective way to showcase your skills and expertise and connect with potential customers. Personal websites also help frame the professionalism of your work and provide an opportunity to tout your accomplishments.

2. Leverage online talent platforms

Developing comprehensive profiles on online talent platforms presents prime opportunities to get your name out there. Online talent platforms are booming in popularity—with more and more clients relying on these resources when looking for help. As a result, they offer an effective way to increase your visibility as a professional, and some even send job opportunities directly to you! Humans.net is one such online platform that’s completely free to use and lets you control your experience—meaning no fees, no commission and no middleman.

3. Prominently feature work samples

Whether on your personal website, online talent platforms, or even on social media, showcasing work samples is vital to attracting attention. Work samples, especially photos and videos, highlight your skills and capabilities, and provide credibility to customers and clients interested in working with you. They also demonstrate your finished work product—that way customers and clients can easily see if you’re the right person for the job.

4. Showcase who you are on a personal level

Although the main focus of online sites is to sell yourself as a professional, including personal info is also important. Online shopping allows customers to make quick and easy purchases, but often has them questioning credibility. Clients want to feel like they know who they’re working with, so be sure to showcase your personal details, including location, hobbies and passions—and even a photo of yourself!

5. Highlight professional experiences

Always include some sort of comprehensive resume when selling your services online. Even if your past experiences have nothing to do with your new business, still include them! Professional experience of any type shows clients you are hardworking and reliable. It also demonstrates that you’ve had experience working with deadlines, team members, customers and more.

As customers continue to look online when buying products and seeking services, small businesses and independent workers must adapt in order to compete. When promoting yourself as a professional, building your customer base and selling your services online, leveraging the full range of online capabilities available is necessary to position yourself and your business for long-term success.

Published: January 23, 2018

vlad dobrynin

Vlad Dobrynin

Vlad Dobrynin is the founder of Humans.net, the one-stop-shop for finding work and finding help with every task imaginable. With decades of experience working with startups and established brands in 12 countries across the globe, Vlad’s expertise spans the banking, telecom and technology sectors. His specialties include general management, corporate strategy, marketing and product management. Vlad holds an Executive MBA from the Stockholm School of Economics. Follow @humansnetwork on Facebook and @humannetteam on Twitter.

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