4 Mistakes To Avoid When Selling Your Business

You put a lot of time and effort into building your practice to be what it is today, but you might be looking to retire or move on to a new business venture. Regardless, you want to make the right moves when it comes time to sell. Here are some common mistakes to avoid when…

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A Practical Guide to Valuating a Veterinary Practice

a veterinarian enjoying the company of a beagle puppy

Determining the value of a veterinary practice can be challenging, but there are many factors that can help you assess its worth. When determining the value of a veterinary practice, it’s important to keep in mind that different factors contribute to its overall worth. Some aspects might be easy to calculate and figure out (such…

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You Name the Price; I’ll Name the Terms

I admit that my dad taught me this when I was just a fifteen-year old kid starting a business and negotiating with suppliers for the first time. But I learned it again and again in my various business lives. The most striking example was the one hundred-million-dollar purchase of one of my companies by a…

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Valuation of Your Business for Tax Planning

Few business owners relish spending money on something they don’t need. And for most owners, hiring an expert to estimate the value of their companies falls into that don’t-need category. So it is no surprise that owners typically respond to an exit planning advisor’s recommendation to get an estimate of value for the company with…

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After 20 Years: Updating the Berkus Method of Valuation

Well, it had to happen.  Originally created in the mid 1990’s to help with the imprecise problem of how to value early stage companies, especially those in technology, I developed what soon became known as “The Berkus Method” when published in the popular book, “Winning Angels” by Harvard’s Amis and Stevenson with my permission in 2001.  But…

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How to Know When to Sell Your Online Business

A couple of years ago, one of our customers lost over $96,000. He lost this money because he missed the signs it was time to sell his business. Early in 2007, Jorge started a website that quickly established an audience, found sponsors and advertisers, and grew into a trusted resource for thousands of readers. Fast forward to…

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What is Your Business Really Worth?

For many owners, the answer to one question determines their ability to leave their companies: “How much money will I get when I sell?” This question is indeed critical. Realistically, you can’t exit your business unless you achieve financial independence, and the primary source of that independence is likely to be the funds you receive…

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