Choosing the Right Time Clock Software for Your Business Needs

As a business owner with various employees, it is crucial to keep track of your employees attendance and working hours. Time clock software can help you do this in an organized way. However, though the major feature of time clock software is real time reporting, you must determine other features required for a successful employee…

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What is the Right Time for Effective Time Management?

Hourglass on laptop computer concept for time management and countdown to deadline

Time management has always been an important concept. I can remember reading all sorts of books on effective time management, even back to college days. I continue to devour them, adapting many of the principles to my own time management. We have reached a “crisis” in time management. Every leader I speak with identifies the…

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Are We Using Our Time More Effectively, or Just Freeing it Up?

a person pointing at a clock implying time isn't being used effectively

Time management is a huge issue for all of us, but particularly important for sellers. A lot of the conversation focuses on “freeing up time.” But as I think about it, is the issue really about freeing up time or is it about using our time more effectively? For example, Gartner published an interesting analysis.…

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How to Make Life Easier for Your Frontline Teams

Nearly 80% of the global workforce are frontline workers in hospitality, manufacturing, retail, healthcare and other professions where there isn’t a work-from-home option. These workers don’t spend the majority of their working hours sitting in front of a computer. Even as many employees and employers pivoted to use technology as working from home became necessary,…

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Improve Your Time Management as an Entrepreneur

Being an entrepreneur is fun and exciting most of the time. Seeing a business grow that you built by working hard, is a feeling nothing compares to. Unfortunately, many entrepreneurs work almost day and night to build their business and often have to admit their time management isn’t as it should be. Have you ever…

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Can AI Improve Customer Service?

Improving a customer’s experience is always a top priority for any brand. Customer service should be at the forefront of any brand’s priorities because a customer that feels valued and respected is a lot more likely to come back. It might cost extra resources, time and money, but quite often, it’s the only thing that…

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3 Timesaving Tips to Help Keep Your Books in Order

As anyone who runs a small business can tell you, one of the most time-consuming parts of keeping things organized is bookkeeping. Just keeping track of everything can be an enormous task as your business begins to grow. And if you don’t keep careful track of every part of your business, you may find yourself…

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How to Work If You’re Too Busy to Work

Too busy to work? At some point, no matter how busy you are, when you have a home business you must work in order to get paid! If you feel as though everyone is pulling at you from every side and you are just plain too busy to work then it may be time to…

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