How to Not Become a Labor Department Enforcement Target

Over the last couple of years the Department of Labor has become fairly aggressive in its enforcement of wage and hours laws. It has been targeting industries suspected of being the most egregious offenders and it is going at enforcement in such a public way as to create a “ripple effect.”
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Be Ready to Protect Your Money When the IRS Audits

We can all expect to get bad news occasionally throughout our lives and for most of us, the good news outnumbers the bad, so we shouldn’t complain too much. However, that’s hard to remember when you receive a letter from the IRS notifying you of an audit; an experience I was treated to not long ago.
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Can You Change the Culture?

In many ways, culture is when a group of people share the same habits. When you are raised within a certain culture, you don’t recognize those habits until you’re dumped into a culture that practices a different set of habits.
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