Employee Trust: Strategic Planning Can Kill It

Trust is the foundation of effective and authentic leadership. Without trust, leaders lose teams through attrition, or dangerously low engagement. Among the many qualities of trusted leaders, clarity is key: People trust the clear and mistrust the ambiguous. So, leaders who earn employee trust provide transparency around goals, plans, and expectations.
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The Importance of Corporate Vision

If you are a leader in your organization, share your vision consistently. If you are not sharing your vision at least every thirty days, your team doesn’t know it. A clear vision inspires, unifies, and gives powerful focus.
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Building a Team through Shared Goals

For any business to succeed, you have to build a team that works together. That team includes you as the business owner, any employees you have, your vendors, your partners—everyone who is part of running your business. When it comes to building that team, although talent is important, a cohesive group that sticks together is the number one priority.
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Prioritize to be Most Effective

While I agree with Ben Franklin’s idea, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail,” countless companies have wasted time and money on strategic plans that are collecting dust. People spend lots of time planning but very little time turning those plans into daily actionable tasks. Some suggest that putting your goal in the mirror so you see it every day will make it come true.
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10 Entrepreneur Milestones That Make Funding Easy

Every investor expects to see some business traction, both before and after a funding event. If you have been working 20 hours a day, and spent your last dollar, but have no results to show, investors will be sympathetic, but will probably tell you that your dream doesn’t have wheels. Traction means forward progress.
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Setting Bold List-Building Goals (and 3 Lessons Learned Along the Way)

There are different types of motivators that work for different people. For some, just an inner knowing that they want to achieve something is necessary for them to take action and make it happen. For others, no matter how good their intentions are, if they aren’t being held accountable by an outside force, they’ll continue to avoid doing it.
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