Learn How Mobile SEO Is Increasing Conversion Rates

a person using their mobile phone to perform an internet search

Key Takeaways Mobile vs desktop search is motivated by intent Benefits include higher conversion rates on mobile, there’s an immediacy. People are ready to buy Mobile guidelines include headline character limits and monitoring image size Best user experience is a hybrid of both desktop and mobile devices Mobile-first design ensures that websites meet the requirements…

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How to Grow Your Business With SEO

an infographic depicting SEO

Growing a small business isn’t easy. It never has been, and it likely never will be. As a business owner, there are a never-ending series of obstacles that stand in your way. You’ll make mistakes, lose money, deal with competitors, struggle to garner attention, and more. However, if you stick with it through the ups and…

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Keyword Intent: The Key to Unlocking SEO Success

a team strategizing success

Keywords are a vital part of search engine optimisation and digital marketing as a whole. Keywords are specific words and phrases weaved into content to improve how it ranks in search engine results pages (SERPs). Alongside determining which keywords to target, it’s also important for marketers to understand the intent linked to those keywords, as…

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7 SEO Marketing Trends for 2021

Just as 2020 caused the vast majority of businesses to adapt to a world affected by a pandemic, 2021 businesses will have to adjust to a world going back to some form of normalcy as vaccines start to roll out. Though not directly related to the coronavirus, its affects have indirectly caused changes in how…

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6 Ways to Create a More User-Friendly Website

In today’s tech-inclined world, having a website is not optional – it’s necessary if you want to reach your audience. Even a simple website can introduce people to your brand and provide the information a customer needs to make a purchase. A high-quality website can increase your impact and multiply your return on investment. Make…

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5 Essentials to Know Before Building a BigCommerce Website

Image by StartupStockPhotos from Pixabay If you’re thinking about building your own eCommerce website, you’re probably considering which platform you can use to do so. One of the most popular choices is BigCommerce, a platform that currently powers over 34,000 websites and is specifically designed for eCommerce websites. BigCommerce comes with amazing features that can…

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5 Things to Check After Launching a PPC Campaign

One of the beauties of PPC is that there’s no such thing as “set it and forget it.” We can move spend around and make optimizations to improve the efficiency of our spend, even a few days after launching. Let’s walk through 5 quick checks to get your campaign moving in the right direction. Check…

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6 Characteristics of a Successful Startup Content Plan

Content marketing isn’t as easy as it once was. Today, every company with an online presence has a company blog. We’re all battling over keywords and rankings, and we all use multiple social media channels to shout into the void. Getting your content noticed above the noise is a significant challenge for any company, particularly…

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Are You Using Reviews as Part of Your SEO Strategy?

We all know the impact of a bad review, but as local search continues to grow, what about their importance in SEO? Do reviews make a difference to your search ranking? Since Google introduced their Pigeon Algorithm, reviews have become increasingly important in SEO. Take a look at the first page of a local search, those…

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