8 Ways to Pivot Your Business to Kickstart Growth

Every entrepreneur I know starts out with a strong conviction that their solution is a perfect match for their target market, and yet almost every one later admits a need to “pivot” before finding their groove. Course corrections, or pivots, are normal for new ventures, so expect them and don’t make excuses. Failure is the…

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Using the 3P Change Equation to Stimulate Sustainable Change

Making sustainable changes in any organization is not easy: Change is hard. People resist it—even positive change—and they often express their resistance through declining engagement and performance, and by slipping back into old habits. But, change is necessary to succeed and grow. For change to happen, and for it to stick, tough decisions are needed.…

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Now is the Time to Step Up Your Game Again!

There’s one strategy that will absolutely change the game once again for your brand and that is positioning your brand. I would hazard to guess that well over 90% of companies have never effectively positioned their brands or even considered it.
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Don’t Get Complacent!

When any entity becomes dysfunctional, it all boils down to the same root causes: a blame game where nothing gets done, and everyone getting locked into complacency about the way things are.
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