The Importance of Accurate Invoicing for Small Businesses

Online Invoice Tax Accounting Using Phone And Computer

As a small business owner responsible for managing bookkeeping services, ensuring timely invoicing is a top priority. However, even if you’re careful, it can be worrying when clients say they haven’t received invoices. How should you navigate such instances? Let’s delve into why precise invoicing is vital for your business. Why is invoicing accuracy important?…

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5 Tips to Best Handle In-Store Payments

While e-commerce has increased in popularity among global consumers in the last few years, it’s unlikely that e-commerce businesses will fully replace brick-and-mortar businesses in the near future. Physical stores can’t replicate the efficiency and convenience of online retailers, but at the same time, they provide unique experiences and tangible interactions that can’t be reproduced…

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3 Simple Benefits of Accepting Mobile Credit Card Payments

There are so many decisions to be made as the owner of a small or medium business. From hiring and training employees to signing their paychecks and addressing customer concerns, your hands are probably full around the clock. There are many other aspects of the company, however, that must be attended to, like determining what…

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3 Pros and Cons of Using Mobile POS Systems for Your Small Business

It seems that with every new store I visit, I notice it more and more often: Businesses replacing the traditional point-of-sale cash register with a smaller, slicker mobile device. Swiveling iPads, smartphones clutched by every employee—the type of mobile device used to collect payments varies, but their popularity in retail and restaurant environments must mean…

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Crypto Currency: The Newest Investment Tool for Your Business

By now you probably already know that crypto currency is a form of online money. However, there is a major difference between regular currency and crypto currency. To start off, some form of government usually issues regular currency. Crypto currency on the other hand is usually transferred from one holder to another. The process involves…

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Offer Varied Payment Options to Boost Sales and Enter New Markets

With the rise of digital commerce and global payments and the increasingly interlocking global nature of business of all kinds, small business owners have a whole host of new tools and options at their disposal to compete in the marketplace. One wonderful facet of this new reality is that small business owners can enjoy patrons…

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4 Reliable Methods to Receive Payments from International Clients

It’s no good when you end up losing a customer because you don’t offer a suitable payment method. Instances of people paying exorbitant fees and getting unfavorable exchange rates add to many woes, as well. If you run a business that deals with international customers or you’re a freelancer with international clients, using the right…

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How to Protect Your Online Business from Chargebacks

By Blair Thomas 8/31 For many merchants, the internet presents a myriad of opportunities. An online enterprise is not only easy to set up, but it also enjoys a much broader reach of potential customers than the traditional brick-and-mortar layout. That said, the e-commerce scene is riddled with unique risks, through which a business owner…

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