7 Lessons Learned from a Failed Business Partnership

Over the last two years, I’ve learned a lot about partnerships—what works, what doesn’t—and I wanted to pass on those lessons learned. These insights will be beneficial for you if you’re thinking about forming a business partnership, or if you’re already in a partnership.
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6 Ways to Land a Partnership with a Fortune 100 Company

Landing a partnership with a Fortune 100 company could be the deal that puts your startup on the map. It could be the difference between linear and exponential growth; landing a big round of funding or plugging away as a bootstrapped company. It could mean a 10X or 3X revenue multiple or whether your kids attend private or public school.
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What to Do During a Slow Season

A slow season every now and then can be difficult to avoid, as most small businesses will inevitably hit a slump in revenue at one time or another. However, just because profits have dropped does not mean work is over.
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