4 Ways to Secure Your Office

The world today lends itself to more security. Office managers are determined to ensure that their business is secure. This comes in many forms, such as equipment, the premises, the software and the phone lines. You can get your office secure using these four tips. Phone When you are the owner of a business or…

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Is Sitting the New Smoking?

Training and support about the dangers of sitting at a desk for prolonged periods of time are woefully neglected in many businesses, according to new research by office suppliers Viking and YouGov. Roles that involve sitting at a desk for extended periods put people at a greater risk of obesity, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.…

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Furry Stress-Busters: Benefits of a Pet-Friendly Workplace

These days, attracting the best employees isn’t just about the money and the job: it’s about the perks. Of course, there’s no substitute for the basics, like a competitive salary, a good health plan, and a generous amount of PTO, but the extras can help entrepreneurs put their company at the top of the list…

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Are Millennials Killing the Modern Office?

There seems to be no shortage of things that Millennials are killing these days. From marriage to lunch, nothing is safe from the imagined wrath of Millennials. Although some deaths may wrongly be attributed to the generation that is coming to dominate the workforce, there can be no doubt that they will change the modern…

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Famous Desks of the Rich & Genius

Take a moment and think about the style of your desk—is it colorful and cluttered? Is it clean and minimal? Your desk style may reveal more about you than you think. For example, Einstein was a fan of a messy desk space and research has shown that people in messy rooms had more agile, creative problem-solving…

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5 Ways to Make Your Office More Ergonomic

As a small business owner, you typically spend many hours sitting down at your office in front of the computer. With all mileage in your office, it is important to you make the space as conducive for productive as possible. This means ensuring that tools which you are constantly using are as ergonomic as possible.…

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Why All Entrepreneurs Should Use Their Cars as a Moving Office

If you’re like most entrepreneurs, you probably have a lot of business meetings, factory walk-throughs, and maybe even meet-and-greets at networking events. These kinds of things are part of an entrepreneur’s day-to-day tasks. If you’re a commuter who drives everywhere, you should be using your car as a moving office. Here’s why it works, and…

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6 Tips for a Smooth Office Move

Moving your office to a new location can be a big business decision. Whether you’re expanding, downsizing or seeking a fresh scenery, you want the move to go as smoothly as possible. Office moves that aren’t properly planed can end up doing more harm than good, if not done tactfully. Poorly organized office moves puts…

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Company Design: How to Style Your Office to Impress

Your interest in this topic shows you care about your corporate image. You know that office design impacts how your business is perceived. Taking steps to polish your workplace is fun! Here are five ways to make your office shine. 1. Extend a Warm Welcome to Visitors When a client arrives at your building, the…

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