How to Prevent Slip and Fall Accidents in the Workplace

an employee receiving first aid

Ensuring a safe workplace is crucial for the well-being of employees and the smooth operation of any business. Slip and fall accidents are among the most common workplace injuries, but they are also among the most preventable. By implementing practical safety measures and fostering a culture of awareness, businesses can create a safer environment for…

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Should You Commit to an Office Lease?

Always true: Rent your first, next, or continuing office with caution.  Several years ago and before COVID’s changes, I became involved with a Southeast Asian company looking to expand into the United States.  During the discussions with the CEO about hiring North American managers, he made it clear that he wanted us to find a first-class office…

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How to Keep a Busy Office Clean: 7 Steps for Employers to Take

When it comes to a thriving business environment, cleanliness can be as crucial as the bottom line. A well-maintained office not only makes a confident first impression on your future customers but also fosters a healthier, more productive workspace for employees. By implementing actionable steps—ranging from establishing regular cleaning routines to ensuring that each corner has…

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Why Cleaning Is So Important for Your Business

a clean and healthy workspace

Amidst the myriad of crucial choices you must make in your business every day, there is often one that’s easy to overlook—the significance of maintaining cleanliness in the workplace. While it may seem trivial at first glance, you must never underestimate the impact of a clean and organized workspace on your business’s overall performance. Promotes…

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Composting for Effective, Office Kitchen Waste Management

composting and the office kitchen

In the hustle and bustle of daily office life, the office kitchen is often an overlooked area when it comes to waste management. However, creating a clean and hygienic space for employees in the office kitchen is of paramount importance. In this article, we will explore the various aspects of office kitchen waste management and…

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5 Quick Tips For Improving Your Office Building

It’s believed that hectic deadlines, unmanageable stress levels, and information overload can make your employees unproductive. For most office workers, their ability to focus caused by office concerns has a significant impact on their overall ability to produce excellent work too. Many human resource experts agree that the physical environment of an office building can…

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4 Reasons For An Indoor Air Quality Monitoring System

Air quality in your office is something that you should not take lightly. The air quality in the building where you work can have a huge impact on the health and wellbeing of your employees, and it also affects how effectively they can do their jobs. An indoor air quality monitoring system can help to…

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Latest Tips for Returning to Work Post-Pandemic

2020 was a tumultuous year. People were sent home to work or were laid off entirely. All of us have gone through some strange and perilous changes in the last year, but believe it or not, going forward may be even more difficult. Returning to some sense of normalcy, where people are allowed to gather…

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4 Essentials For Your New Office

Having an organised office space can have a significant impact on productivity. But with the accumulation of tech hardware and accessories, you end up with tangled-up wires and cables that clutter your office table and lay strewn around the floor. If you run a small or medium-size business, there are ways to maintain a clean…

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