The Golden Rule in Selling

There is a golden rule in selling: “Spend more time with better prospects.” So, what are the characteristics of an ideal or “better” prospect? Below listed are 7.
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How Your Company Can Compete for Top Talent

You think you know how to get the best people—Or do you? Investing in finding the right employees does actually affect your workforce performance, but do you know which ones to invest in to achieve top performance when competing to find the right employee?
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Turn a Toxic Business Relationship into Your Advocate

Every business has a “Joyce,” that customer that is never satisfied. I have learned that my company is only as good as the customer service provided and communication skills engaged. But what shocked me the most is that my Joyce, who is a business owner herself and who was my most toxic customer, ended up being my biggest advocate.
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Mixing Business Trips with Vacation

If you thought your business trips can be expensive, you need to think again. If you plan and strategize, the government can subsidize your trip so that your trip expenses are minimal. The idea is to combine your business travel with vacation time and document the time spent on business.
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Convention Tax Rebate 101

Acquiring knowledge, having fun, and benefiting your business in a single business trip is ideal. Having your travel expenses eligible for tax deduction? That’s even better. If you attend conferences and conventions for your business, the government offers income tax deductions on the expenses that were incurred during the trip.
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