Breaking Up in Business: How to Do It Painlessly

As the founder of an online resource specializing in all things marriage (including divorce), I’ve come to learn that business relationships have many parallels to marriage and intimate relationships. They start with enthusiasm and passion, they grow through balance and communication, and they endure the peaks and valleys of life. But sometimes, they also end. Divorce for…

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You Are Watched, Mostly When Decisions Are Tough

If you have been in management or an entrepreneur long enough, you will have experienced the gray area of decision-making where ethics, the law, your needs and expediency all collide. This is the time when you are paid the big bucks, and when others aware of your plight will be watching most carefully. It is…

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Best Practices for Delegation

Successful delegation becomes possible when operations are consistent, proactive, and, most importantly, when decisions do not only rely on one person’s perspective. The CEO may have started their business, but it takes a team to drive it to the next level. This poses a unique challenge for the entrepreneur who has likely gotten used to…

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3 Solid Ways to Create Lasting Employee Loyalty

Would you be surprised to discover that more than half of the workforce is unhappy about their work environment? For decades we believed that the monetary rewards for the jobs they do is enough incentive for the employees to be happy and loyal to you or your company. Now we know that’s not the case.…

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Self-Leadership: A Prerequisite for Teamwork

Building effective teams requires building self-leaders. Let’s start with teams first. Is it better for organizations to be more like a natural (wild) garden or an orchestra? One of these models is not better than the other—they reflect different purposes. A natural garden has beauty, freedom of expression, and individuality that cannot be reproduced in…

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Be a Leader Who Makes Employees Love Their Jobs

Well, okay, you can’t really force everyone to love their job, but you can certainly create a culture and environment that nurtures and supports your employees and gives them every reason to enjoy their work. Why should you care if they’re happy? It’s simple: Happy employees are good employees. Good employees are invested in your…

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The Business World Needs Women and Their Leadership

There are many examples of forward-thinking and successful women in business, but popular media portrays this world as male-driven, which has to change. Getting a degree in business may seem risky, especially since success is not a sure thing, but opportunities have never been so abundant. The following are a few reasons why more women…

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You Are Your Company’s Moral Compass

Here’s yet another story that you may identify with—or have yet to experience in your business life. It’s one of those that define your leadership for all to see, sometimes based upon decisions made in the moment—such as this one. A story of a CEO’s snap judgment call Years ago, when I was CEO of…

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How to Mold Managers That Propel Your Business Success

Here’s a shocking fact of U.S. businesses: Leadership training doesn’t typically happen until managers have been on the job for some 10 years. I think it’s easy to understand why this is so. Very often individuals sort of “morph” or evolve into management positions. It can happen several different ways: The organization grows and a successful…

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