Gaining Financing for a Franchise is Getting Easier

It is easy to see why getting franchise loans may be somewhat easier than gaining financing for other types of small businesses. Franchises, to some degree, come with their own set of marketing research and sort of a ready-made business plan that takes a lot of work out of the business owner’s hand. It also mitigates a lot of risk for the lenders.
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Crowdfunding is Being Oversold

I think so-called “crowdfunding” is being oversold. Many people seem to think it’s going to mean a lot new investment money for U.S. startups. I don’t think so. Not yet. Maybe never.
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How Can an Entrepreneur Qualify for a Bank Loan?

Many entrepreneurs are convinced that banks are not worth the effort for startups, especially early-stage ones that still don’t have a revenue stream, or collateral to back up their financing needs. A question I get all the time is, “Can I ever expect any backing from my bank for a great opportunity?”
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10 Entrepreneur Milestones That Make Funding Easy

Every investor expects to see some business traction, both before and after a funding event. If you have been working 20 hours a day, and spent your last dollar, but have no results to show, investors will be sympathetic, but will probably tell you that your dream doesn’t have wheels. Traction means forward progress.
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