If You Want to Disrupt Your Market, Look to the People on the Sidelines

A huge opportunity for entrepreneurs lies in taking advantage of that very slice of the market: The people who are sitting on the sideline, waiting for you to show them why they should even buy a particular type of product or service at all. This is disruptive innovation at its best, and it’s an increasingly viable way to achieve business success.
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Agility: The New Currency of Growth

Whether you are David and Goliath, Blockbuster and Netflix, the Encyclopedia Britannica and Google, agility is the new currency of growth. There’s more bad news for the heavyweights because even when they LOVE the lumbering giant, the little guy can unwittingly bring him down.
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The Evolution of Marketers

We talk a lot about how marketing has evolved in the face of social media, automation and other macro-trends. What gets lost, though, is how marketers have to adapt so these changes don’t overwhelm them.
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The Secret Weapon of the Innovator

If you are a successful entrepreneur or intrapraneur, you are probably an “idea guy” or work with one of these dangerously endearing men or women. Let me introduce you to someone who may be the ultimate idea guy to show you why ideas alone are not enough. (And what’s lacking, as you will see, goes far beyond just execution.)
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