Posts Tagged ‘Influencers’
5 Best Practices for Amplifying Influencer Content
Thought leadership is all about wielding the power of influence through valuable content that resonates with your buyer personas. Creating a truly valuable content, however, is only half the battle. No matter how great your content may be, it’s rendered useless if you can’t get it in front of the audience (or in some cases,…
Read MoreInfluencer Marketing is Hot But Not New
Influencer marketing seems to be the “newest” buzzword in marketing. If you haven’t heard the term, here are some definitions to review: “Influencer marketing is the practice of engaging internal and industry experts with active networks to help achieve measurable business goals.” (Lee Odden, TopRank Marketing Blog) “Influencer marketing is simply the action of promoting and selling…
Read MoreHow Small Businesses Can Use Influencer Marketing
For a long time, influencer marketing was an indulgence only large businesses with equally large marketing budgets could afford. Engaging the rich and famous in order to tap into their fan base took an established name and plenty of money, but the advent of social media has changed much of this. Influencers now come from…
Read MoreWhy You Should Care About Social Listening
What the heck is “social listening?” Another marketing buzzword? Well yes, it is! Ya gotta love marketing for all its new fangled terms and phrases that creep into our vocabulary. I was a Tweetchat guest last week, so the subject is top of mind for me. Here’s my definition: “Social listening is monitoring and/or responding…
Read More5 Powerful PR Trends You Should Not Ignore
Don’t have a beard, fixie or some cool headphones. Feeling left out. Then you are maybe not up with the latest fad. But fads are one thing and trends are another. Fads come and go but trends have the potential to become a powerful influence for long term change. Change in the past was slow. Tesla…
Read More6 Ways to Make Your Business Appear Bigger
Smaller corporations can have it pretty tough. Trying to compete with larger, more established businesses in the same field but usually lacking the funds, manpower, resources and time to really make an impact. So what’s the secret? Having something that truly makes you stand out from your competitors. You deserve to be in the market…
Read More7 Referral Marketing Strategies to Boost Your Business
Referral marketing is a new twist on word of mouth marketing—one of the oldest and most effective means of promoting practically any type of product or service. According to a recent study of small business owners conducted by Verizon and Small Business Trends, 85 percent of small businesses credit word of mouth as the number…
Read MoreSelling Across the Sea: 4 Essential Steps for Effective Foreign Marketing
Before you enter into a foreign market, you need to do some careful research. Lots of businesses charge headlong into markets they don’t understand fully only be to be crushed by competitors that have more experience and authority in the market they serve. Here’s how to swoop in, dominate, and not get killed. Establish Yourself…
Read More6 Easy Things You Can Do if You Don’t Like Marketing
I hear this a lot, business owners and authors who just want to run their businesses or write. They hate marketing and often don’t know where to begin. I get it, believe me. Marketing isn’t easy especially if you still have a full time job (i.e. running the business) or you’re just starting out writing…
Read More5 Ted Talks for Aspiring B2B Thought Leaders
One of the beauties of inbound marketing is that it naturally sets the stage for businesses to position themselves as thought leaders in their respective industry. By understanding and identifying with their buyer personas, proactively helping them overcome challenges by sharing valuable content, and by forming a “tribe” through amplified messaging and active engagement, inbound marketing catapults…
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