Does Your Business Really Need Social Media?

Many businesses are lagging behind in adopting social media at their companies for a variety of reasons. There is no mistaking the fact that social media marketing has resulted in countless marketing successes, however, despite these figures some businesses want more evidence to prove the benefits of social media before expending the costs.
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3 Tips for Creating and Sharing Video Content

With the rise of content marketing, video content has become one of the most effective marketing mediums around. YouTube continues to grow day by day, Facebook has enabled instantaneous video playback in their news feed, and Google has even started to share videos in their search results.
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Ready for the New Facebook Ad Format?

In April, Facebook announced plans to overhaul the right-side column ads. Long-term concerns about engagement and visual quality led to these changes. Facebook is selectively rolling out the new right-side ads with a complete transition occurring August 1st. Here is what you need to know about the new format along with expected impact of the change.
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The New Brand Benefit

In a lot of ways starting a business and giving birth to a new brand can be an exciting process. No one knows who you are yet, so they have nothing to build an opinion on.
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3 Facebook Alternatives for Online Marketers

With over 1.3 million active monthly users, it’s safe to say that Facebook is the king of social media, and as such, has become a vital tool in the online marketer’s arsenal. Social media channels are great for helping brands expand their reach, connect with fans, and generate traffic to their websites.
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Know Your Social Media Fundamentals

Are you trying to ring in customers and drive traffic to your social media locations this spring and summer? While running a brick-and-mortar store, the summer can be full of opportunities and sometimes, a new lead or sale is just a social media post away. But how can business owners like you leverage your company over Facebook and Twitter?
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Should You Forget Facebook?

The success of personal Facebook profiles opened up the idea of Facebook for brands. So Facebook “pages” were launched! It was the start of Facebook becoming serious about monetizing its business.
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