5 Pros and Cons of Specializing in Your Industry

Your company can choose to do it all. It can handle every responsibility. However, the less your business chooses to specialize, the fewer advantages your business will receive from specialization. There are several pros and cons of choosing to specialize. Specialization Isn’t Difficult One way to avoid specialization is to outsource those aspects of your…

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Busyness is Not Productiveness

Somehow a packed calendar/agenda seems to be an indicator of our “success.” We live in a 7/24 world, we have more work than we can manage, and we constantly fill our calendars with activities. It impacts people at all levels. I’ve told this story before, but it bears telling again. About 15 years ago, I…

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How Small Businesses Should Be Using Big Data

Think big data is only for big business? Think again. No matter how small your operation might be, collecting and analyzing data about current and future customers can produce a significant return on investment. And the world’s businesses know this, which is why Microsoft’s Satya Nadella predicts Big Data could become a $1.6 trillion industry in the…

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Eye of the Needle? Why to Worry Over Your Bottlenecks

Think for a minute whether there is any process or person that could be classed as the eye of the needle in your organization.  Is there anything, process or person, that stalls the flow of work from start to finish? A CEO once told me that she was ‘the eye of the needle’ in her organization,…

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How to Maximize Revenue with a Small Team

In a small business, it is easy to lose sight of the basics. Sometimes, team members may become focused on minor details that don’t really matter to your customers, or to the long-term health of your business. In this article, we will go through a number of ideas to help you to maximize your company’s…

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Speed Kills!

No, I haven’t become the spokesperson for the National Highway Safety Commission, I’ve had more than my fair share of speeding tickets (and actually far fewer than I deserve.) I just read a horrible piece of advice from a “guru.” The advice was, “Efficiency Drives Effectiveness!” How wrong can a supposed expert be? Efficiency is all…

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4 Tips to Identify and Fix Basic Business Inefficiencies

All ambitious entrepreneurs strive for an organization that is streamlined, productive and efficient. We want our staff to be happy and engaged, and we want our customers and clients to be overjoyed with the results we offer. However, though we might strive for perfection, every company on this planet is guilty of some form of…

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5 Tips to Make You More Efficient

Today’s work environments are so stressful that if you’re not going to employ some form of a strategy you can easily be swallowed in the quicksand of work productivity. You may think that you are doing a lot of things at work. But why is it that after an hour behind your desk you feel…

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5 Ways to Ensure Success in a Growing Business

Business success is at the heart of every entrepreneur’s intentions for starting a business. Because failure is not an option, business owners actively seek for ways to improve upon the things they do to keep their business alive. Tweaking things here and there is a strategy of ever-increasing improvements until their business is running like…

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10 Ways to Increase Workplace Efficiency

Being a small-business owner involves wearing many hats—and while being involved in all aspects of your company can be rewarding, it can also take its toll on your productivity. Here’s how to save time and get more out of your workday: Communication Show your inbox who’s boss A cluttered inbox makes it difficult to tell…

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