Incorrectly Pricing Your Product or Service

Most new business owners tend to undervalue what they charge for their work and services in order to compensate for not being as established as their competitors. As long as you have a top notch customer service experience and offer a product or service that’s similar or better than a competitor, you shouldn’t devalue yourself.
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Deal Value or Buyer Value?

Focusing on deal value colors our strategies and focus. However subtly, everything becomes “what we get from the deal.” But we get nothing unless the buyer gets superior value from our solution and chooses it. So deal value is meaningless unless we understand buyer value.
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How to Beat the Competition with Boldness!

If you are bold enough to really position yourselves as leaders in your fields you can develop powerful relationships. Most companies simply follow the leader and their brands and brand images reflect this. These are short lived differentiators developed with little thought but appreciated by competitors who appreciate how bold branding can really benefit them.
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Don’t Confuse Buying and Selling!

Buyers and sellers are different sides of the same coin. Without each other, it is difficult to achieve our goals. Effective buying and selling has to be aligned to a common goal—driven by the customer. But we can’t confuse our roles.
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Don’t Let Your Beliefs Limit Your Pricing

As a business owner, you want your prices to be fair to both you and your customer. But your price should also reflect the value that your customers are getting. Don’t limit your pricing based on your fears of what customers will think. If you’re still offering value, then you’ll find the customers you need.
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8 Ways to Improve Customer Satisfaction

Want to improve customer satisfaction? Be sure you know the best ways to make it happen! Here are eight proven ways to improve customer satisfaction by finding out what they value, what they care about, and what they really want.
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Protecting Your Intellectual Property

When you’ve taken the time and effort to develop a unique product or service, you will want to protect your intellectual property so that other companies are not able to make money off of your ideas. There are a variety of forms of protection for intellectual property that you can get in the United States, and it’s important for you to know the differences between them and what you need to do to apply for these protections for your business.
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