Posts Tagged ‘Customer Satisfaction’
Why Good Customer Service Isn’t Enough
You might think that your business has “pretty good” customer service. Congratulations! That’s a whole lot better than having “pretty bad” customer service. But don’t rest on your laurels just yet. Think about the organizations that YOU chose to do business with. Are you more likely to select a service provider that is “pretty good”…
Read More5 Keys to Improving Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty
Acquiring a customer costs your business money. Every time you neglect a customer who has purchased a product or paid for a service, you are watching that money you spent on customer acquisitions walk through the door. This is why all business owners and executives, no matter how small or large the company, need to…
Read MoreSatisfied Customers Are Killing Your Business
People talk about the importance of customer service all the time, yet few companies are recognized for doing it well and even fewer are willing to change their approach to get the desired result
Read More Return Policy and Sales
A return policy is a crucial component of any sales and marketing strategy. However, so many businesses forget how important it is to their ability to sell products and services.
Read More The Customer Satisfaction Conundrum
The bottom line is the customer satisfaction is not as simple as it used to be. No longer are customers uniquely loyal to only one brand. Certainly, it is important to maintain customer satisfaction, but the satisfaction scores by themselves are not sufficient to ensure sustainability and growth.
Read More The #1 Way to Happy Customers and Amazing Brand Experiences
Are your business or nonprofit customers happy? Do they toot your horn and contribute to your revenue? If not, perhaps you need to analyze why. How consistent is your organization with its customer touchpoints?
Read More A Basic Assumption of Customer Satisfaction: Reconsidered
One of the basic assumptions that have been considered sacrosanct is high levels of customer satisfaction lead to increased market share. Some recent research suggests that there this assumption may not be universally true.
Read More New Freemium Formula Pits Revenue Against User Satisfaction
What would you think of a restaurant that offered really good food, but the salad is free and the dressing is extra? The potatoes are free but the sour cream is extra. The soup is free but heating it costs extra. And table service is free if you wait two hours, but table service in 20 minutes costs extra.
Read More 80 Percent of Customer Service: Just Being Nice
Woody Allen once said, “80 percent of success is just showing up.” To that I would add, “80 percent of customer service is just being nice.”
Read More What About the Customers in the Middle?
There is a general rule in the market that customers will generally only offer feedback when they either have a really bad experience or great one. If you believe that customers rarely say a word when their experience falls somewhere in the middle you are missing some valuable information.
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