How Much Do You Focus on Your Customers’ Needs and Wants?

Do you know your customers’ needs and wants? No, I mean really know their needs and wants? It appears that 38% of marketers find this their number-one challenge, regardless of company size or industry. According to the newly released global report, The 2016 Digital Marketer from Experian, “Customer-centric brands are shifting the way they think about “customers” or “consumers”…

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Giving the Customer More Than They Paid For

We’ve long had the idea that a value proposition has to do with “exceeding customer expectations” or “giving the customer more than they paid for.” I’ve held that position but am questioning it. Instead, perhaps the real value proposition is giving the customer exactly what they want/need at a price they are willing to pay…

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Your Customer’s Tennis Ball

My friend, branding authority, and Certified Go-Giver Speaker, Bill Ellis emailed me a great poster that showed a photo of some dogs—apparently at a museum for those of the canine persuasion—staring intently at a painting of a tennis ball. Now, personally, I can’t imagine the fascination held by a tennis ball. Though, obviously the dogs feel differently.…

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Take Your Customers’ Satisfaction to the Next Level

The foundation of all business success depends on keeping your customers satisfied and coming back. However, today’s businesses must overcome a sluggish economy and increased competition. Here are three ways to drastically increase your customers’ satisfaction and make sure you keep them loyal to your brand. Elicit Feedback According to the Small Business Administration (SBA), simply…

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3 Hidden Benefits of High-Quality Customer Satisfaction

With every field of business getting increasingly more competitive, focusing entirely on advertising tools to attract customers has become ineffective. Customer service is often the only way for a company to differentiate itself from its competitors and increase revenue. By investing in customer relations management, it is possible not only to attract new customers, but…

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Why Good Customer Service Isn’t Enough

You might think that your business has “pretty good” customer service. Congratulations! That’s a whole lot better than having “pretty bad” customer service. But don’t rest on your laurels just yet. Think about the organizations that YOU chose to do business with. Are you more likely to select a service provider that is “pretty good”…

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5 Keys to Improving Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty

Acquiring a customer costs your business money. Every time you neglect a customer who has purchased a product or paid for a service, you are watching that money you spent on customer acquisitions walk through the door. This is why all business owners and executives, no matter how small or large the company, need to…

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Return Policy and Sales

A return policy is a crucial component of any sales and marketing strategy. However, so many businesses forget how important it is to their ability to sell products and services.
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The Customer Satisfaction Conundrum

The bottom line is the customer satisfaction is not as simple as it used to be. No longer are customers uniquely loyal to only one brand. Certainly, it is important to maintain customer satisfaction, but the satisfaction scores by themselves are not sufficient to ensure sustainability and growth.
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