Role of User Feedback in the Iterative Development of Mobile Banking Apps

Male executive using smartphone to conduct online mobile banking, investing in stocks and mutual funds, retirement investment ideas.

The Role of User Feedback in Mobile Banking App Iterative Development Smartphones dominate the world, some say, and they’re right. Mobile applications have become an integral part of everyday lives. Taxi rides, ordering food, staying connected with friends – there’s an application for almost everything. Finance management is no exception. Mobile banking has gained significant popularity over…

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A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your Own Event App

a person using scheduling software to manage events

In our current era, the explosion of mobile applications has significantly altered how we approach organizing and managing events. With apps evolving rapidly, there’s a clear demand for creating your own event app that caters directly to unique needs and goals. Take, for instance, the fact that around 62 thousand mobile applications were launched on…

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How to Build a Dating App: 6 Core Steps

two people on an adventurous date

How to build a Tinder-like app: step by step Over the last few years, the market of online dating apps has experienced a major upheaval. While the pandemic has taken its toll on many industries, the niche of online dating applications has benefited from COVID-19 restrictions. Thus, the dating app market made $5.61 billion in…

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How to Develop a Successful SaaS App in 2022

Software as a Service (or SaaS) applications are widely used nowadays for various advantages they provide to your customers. Slowly but surely they become a new main way of distributing services, replacing the physical model. In this article, we take a look at SaaS, consider their overall relevance in 2022, pinpoint the main risks and…

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Check These 5 Tips Before Hiring a Developer for Your App

When you decide that it’s high time for your business to get an app of its own, what’s the first thing that you do? Of course, you start thinking about ideas, and considering the purpose that the app should serve. But what about making those ideas come to life through a realistic and well-functioning app?…

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No-Code: The Ultimate Guide to No-Code Platform

No-code platforms are on a rise these days. As the name suggests, these platforms do not require the use of coding to build applications. No programming, no coding, and fewer technicalities. It is gradually becoming a promising alternative for enterprises who wish to create their own apps fast, easily, at low cost, and without much…

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Stellar Mobile App Development Outsourcing for Startups

New startups are heavily dependent on technology. They need high-tech solutions to cultivate and maintain a competitive edge, especially if they are in a crowded market. Entrepreneurs often need to hire seasoned software developers to fill this need. However, they also have the option of outsourcing software development services. You can outsource your mobile app…

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