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The Age of the Introvert Entrepreneur

By: Jania Bailey


The Age of the Introvert Entrepreneur

FranNet works with entrepreneurs of all ages and personalities, and the more reserved individuals of the business world are no exception. Influential men and women are lending an ear to the quieter, underestimated introverts and the marvelous qualities they bring to the entrepreneurial world.

As far as corporate culture goes, there are the overtly energetic, confident, loud speakers and the often overlooked, sitting quietly in the same space, the more introverted individual. Introverts are as complex as anyone, yet they are prone to be misunderstood when it comes to how people perceive their personality or leadership techniques. Even so, they are finding a way to get noticed and quickly proving that you don’t have to be hugely expressive to get things done.

Related Article: Networking for Introverts

Many people visualize a very specific set of characteristics and personality traits when it comes to entrepreneurs and leave it at that. However, while there are common traits and expectations for those working as an entrepreneur, if a person is passionate enough for the lifestyle and the task at hand, then who’s to say they can’t become successful in that endeavor?

If you are an introvert, then it’s time to embrace your unique work style and prove that anyone who wants to follow this path can. There are simple-to-incorporate ways of developing your entrepreneurship skills to help make the most of who you are. As Grant Cardone stated in an article for Entrepreneur.com, there is undeniable value in finding your inner passion.

Things to Keep in Mind

  • Consciously get out of your comfort zone and practice extrovert-natured skills, such as networking and public speaking.
  • Eliminate unnecessary activities that are draining, make an effort to give yourself a break.
  • Have a strong support system that embraces your personality. Lean on them when you need advice or encouragement.

Just like every individual, introverted entrepreneurs have different strengths and weaknesses. Once that is understood, they just need to bet on themselves and embrace their style of business. Don’t ever think that the path to personal success is louder or more outgoing—it is exactly what you make it.

Published: October 5, 2015

Source: FranNet

a person

Jania Bailey

Jania Bailey is president/COO of FranNet, North America’s most well-respected franchise consulting firm. Bailey sits on the board of directors for the International Franchise Association (IFA) and is a certified franchise expert. Her background includes over 25 years experience in the banking and franchise industries.  Bailey also authored the book, “Thriving – The Journey to Success in the Business World.” 

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