When you’re working on a hectic schedule, it can be difficult to find time to relax. Even worse, when you have time, it can be difficult to make sure that you use that time to destress properly. It’s easy to make the mistake of using your free time to finish up more work, do chores around the house, or run errands.
However, in not taking the time to destress in an effective way, you open yourself up to the risks of stress on your physical and mental health. Luckily, with these tips, you can use your time wisely to relax effectively.
Take the Time to Meditate
Take a few minutes a day to meditate is a great way to destress and take a step back from a situation and come back to it with fresh eyes. You can rely on meditation for a variety of reasons other than stress as well too, including concepts like managing pain as well.
There are a variety of types of meditation that you can try out for yourself but as a concept, meditation relies on a few simple concepts. This includes starting out by finding a place to sit comfortably that’s quiet. Then, you should try to focus your attention on something like your breathing or a concept.
Most important of all, you have to have the right attitude. This is a time to relax and destress, not a time to pass judgment on every thought you have.
If you aren’t sure where to start, meditation tutorials and classes can be a great help!
Drink Plenty of Water
Even if you can’t get away from your computer or find a minute to yourself throughout the day, one thing that’s great for stress and bodily health is drinking water. Without enough water, your body can’t keep up with the tasks it needs to keep your immune system running effectively and your body generally working to keep you alive.
Water consumption and hydration also affect how your body produces cortisol, often referred to as a stress hormone. When you aren’t properly hydrated, more of this is released which makes you more stressed.
You can lower your stress levels even on the busiest days by drinking plenty of water. It’s even possible to improve the quality of water if you aren’t drinking purified bottled water. There are economical options whether you’re looking for a water softener or water purifier to keep your tap water in top shape.
Take “You” Time
Everyone needs a little personal time for themselves. However, when life starts to get busy and hectic and people have to cut something out to save time, it’s this absolutely crucial time to themselves. This might mean you don’t get as much time to relax or even put personal needs first.
It’s absolutely critical that you don’t spend all your time on work-related activities. This is a sure-fire way to get burnt out quickly by skipping out on taking care of your personal needs. This includes taking care of your own mental health such as personal stress levels.
Take the Time to Unplug from Everything
Constantly looking at an electronic device like a phone or computer puts a huge strain on your eyes. Not to mention, spending every moment only a click away from making phone calls or sending emails for work isn’t a great way to keep stress levels down. In fact, unplugging for a few hours before bed is a healthy habit to develop.
Get Plenty of Rest
Once life gets hectic, it can be hard to make sure that you get the sleep you need. That’s unfortunate and a habit that must be broken because without enough rest, you’re bound to feel more stressed and be more easily overwhelmed.
You’ll need different amounts of sleep depending on a few factors such as your age and different health needs. In general, though, the average adult should aim for at least seven to eight hours every night. Otherwise, you risk sleeping too little and opening yourself up to the dangers and high stress levels related to fatigue and exhaustion.
Know When to Say “No”
Having a hectic schedule is unavoidable at times. After all, sometimes meeting the demands of a job can be stressful and busy. However, you can control some of both the personal and professional additional tasks that you take on outside of your standard set of responsibilities.
When the task set in front of you is optional, don’t be afraid to set boundaries and know your limits. Plus, it’s important to give the people who ask you a clear picture of what they can reasonably expect you to be able to handle. Remember, doing your best work doesn’t always mean doing so much work that you can’t relax and destress.