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Free Snacks in the Office of the Future

By: Brian Wallace


Free Snacks in the Office of the Future

Offices have evolved over the decades, and employers who don’t keep up with the times are going to see it reflected in their turnover rates. Employees today have options, and they want an office with amenities to keep them around. It’s time to take a look at your company’s break room and ask yourself whether it’s up to par with the offices of the future.

In the postwar era, the idea of a bullpen with separate closed-off offices for higher-ups came into being. It was meant to separate people by status at the company. Later cubicles became the office norm, giving people a little more privacy, but not too much, to do their work. This came to be seen as synonymous with downsizing and layoffs and eventually became a comedy troupe. The open office came after that, but it was quickly discovered that it’s difficult to do work with so many distractions. The office of today has options for changing work spaces, common areas to gather with your coworkers, and even break rooms stocked with premium coffee and snacks. Sometimes workplaces also offer things like free dry cleaning, meals, exercise facilities, and more.

Why do free snacks in the office help? First off, hungry employees aren’t productive employees. That afternoon slump could be costing your business big time—far more than the cost of snacks. Second, employees have come to expect some level of free snacks and beverages, and many employees say they are willing to remain in their current jobs if their employers offer free snacks and beverages. Spending even a small amount of money each month to keep your break room stocked up can save you a lot in terms of turnover rates.

Workplace culture affects your business, and a poor culture can lead to high turnover rates. In July of 2018 3.5 million people quit their jobs, a 17 year high. There are more open positions than there are unemployed people to fill them, and 9 in 10 employed people prefer more perks at work to higher pay. If you want to keep your best employees on the job, it’s time to start showing you care about their health and well-being by providing healthy snacks for free and encouraging a healthier lifestyle.

Learn more about the benefits of free snacks and beverages in the workplace below. Is this going to be part of the standard office of the future?The Future of Work

Source: DrinkCoffee.com

Published: September 18, 2019

Source: Drink Coffee

Brian Wallace

Brian Wallace

Brian Wallace is the Founder and President of NowSourcing, an industry leading infographic design agency based in Louisville, KY and Cincinnati, OH which works with companies that range from startups to Fortune 500s. Brian also runs #LinkedInLocal events nationwide, hosts the Next Action Podcast, and has been named a Google Small Business Advisor for 2016-2018.

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