Just the other day I was reading an article on the Inc. Magazine website.
The editor, John, noted that in a recent survey, 59% of entrepreneurs don’t think Social Media is important! What made me mad is how quickly they dismissed the problems many small businesses have with Social Media.
For example, the editor notes, “Business owners have trouble understanding the importance of social media…”
I find this an incredibly arrogant statement. He goes on to say “…Perhaps they previously invested a significant amount of time or money into the tactic and saw no return.”
As you continue reading this article, you quickly realize that he’s rallying against the 18% of business owners with ZERO social media presence… and the 67% who are “Newbies.”
Unfortunately, “John” misses the boat on the whole discussion. It’s embarrassing for a major business magazine like INC to post a slapped together article like this. Clearly the editor has never run his own business.
Why would you engage in a social media program, if the last time you tried it your results were horrible? There’s a reason the term “Throwing good money after bad…” exists.
I wish this editor would have simply solved the problems he identifies in his article.
Instead he claims “They (small business owners) want quick results without doing any of the hard work.”
I know hundreds of business owners who have sunk thousands of hours and tens of thousands of dollars doing everything these “Online” gurus tell them to do… only to come up older, poorer, and frustrated by lack of results.
You know, I prefer to spend my time on things that work.
At Betwext, we use social media. You’re probably reading this on one of the social media sites right now… but most of the businesses we work with have much greater success using Mobile Marketing.
I’ll give you one stat: 94% of all text messages are read.
How many of your tweets, posts, or emails, get a 94% read rate. Don’t bother to look… the answer is NONE – that’s right NONE.
If you really want to communicate with your prospects and customers, you’ve got to find an exclusive way to communicate with them… and Mobile Marketing is the best!
If you’re a business owner that’s struggled with social media, take a quick look at mobile marketing…. and I’m not talking about building an APP or anything silly like that. I mean simply set up a text message list (like you do for email) and start communicating.
You don’t want to text too often… and you’re limited to 160 characters… so you’re not spending hours writing page after page of emails or web content (that nobody reads).
Mobile Marketing through text messages is the easiest way to market your business… and I think it’s more critical than your social media program.
Should you throw out your social media program?
It’s a great question…
Let me ask you a question right back… Is your Social Media Program working?
If it’s working… if you’re getting prospects and customers from social media… then KEEP DOING IT!
But, if you’re struggling. If you’re throwing money down a rat hole… If you’re wondering should I keep doing this… then you probably need to stop and figure out a better way.
If you’re looking for a better way to market to your customers, give mobile marketing a look. Betwext.com has a program where you can get started with mobile marketing for $10 in 10 minutes!