If you’ve realized that one of the best ways to promote your business is to make a video, then you are absolutely right. First, because they are highly visual and interesting to watch, and second, because videos are short and consume a very small portion of your audience’s time.
Therefore, video promotion is mostly highly effective. But make no mistake, this doesn’t mean that any video you make will be successful. If you really want to attract people, your video should be taking their breath away. You may now think, “easier said than done”, but let me explain.
Think of your business or product as a movie and your promo video as the trailer for it. For the right audience, a great trailer would be addictive. And, if your audience likes visuals, videos, and movies, which almost everybody does, the following tricks will help you get their attention.
Let’s take the movie The Greatest Showman. When I watched the trailer the first time, it literally took my breath away for a few seconds. Here is how they did it:
1. High quality
The first thing I loved about the trailer of the movie were the colors. Everything was so vibrant that I didn’t want to stop watching. Plus, I could clearly hear every little sound of the background music which was making the trailer magical. As a trailer for a professional movie, it had very high quality but even if you are not professionals in movie making, you can use different online video-making tools which make your promos look professional. I bet nobody likes watching low-quality videos. And, it is the first thing that your audience is going to notice about your video.
2. Pick the right style for your audience
Every person has certain preferences when it comes to watching a video or a movie. I am talking about style. You should know what exactly your audience is like and have its complete profile. For example, I absolutely love musicals and that is why I got so excited about the movie after I watched the trailer. My sister, on the other hand, doesn’t like musicals and she couldn’t even finish watching the trailer.
Similarly, it is not really a good idea to make a promo video for a product and put rock music in the background knowing that your audience isn’t a fan of rock music. They might just stop watching it, like my sister did.
3. Movement
Humans are highly visual beings and we react to movement. To understand this, you can have a look at an infant. Newborn babies never react to anything static like a picture. On the contrary, they react to everything dynamic in front of their eyes, they simply start following the movement.
The same works for the adults. You can see that the trailer of the movie is also full of movement, they are either dancing, running or flying. If the video your audience is watching is dynamic and full of movements, it is more likely that they are going to watch it, than if there is little or no movement in it.
4. Trigger curiosity, don’t open up completely
The trailer of a movie never tells the whole story. It leaves some things out but gives enough for the audience wait for it impatiently. I was even crazy enough to count the days before the first show of The Greatest Showman and tell all of my friends about it individually.
Triggering the curiosity of your audience is the best thing you can do for your company. Because when they become curious that’s when they start asking questions, that’s when your engagement rates skyrocket and if you can make them curious enough, they will share your video with others and your sales will increase as well.
5. Add call-to-action
In case of a movie trailer, it is not exactly a call-to-action, it is always something like a “coming soon” or the release date. In a way it is a call-to-action, calling people to wait impatiently until the release date.
Call-to-action is actually important in any marketing video, and it is almost crucial in promo videos. Add a line at the end of the video that will say “subscribe”, “give thumbs up”, “comment”, “you can buy the product here” “send us your questions” or anything else that will increase your chances of having higher engagement rate.
It doesn’t matter what you do, what you sell or who you want to attract. Just follow these 5 rules and try to be as engaging as you can. After all, your videos are some kind of little movies, so try to be interesting to your audience because that’s when they will start paying attention to you.