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How to Attract People Who Are Ready to Work with You

By: Under30CEO


I work with business owners around the world who want to grow a lucrative practice of ideal clients.

Nearly everyone I speak with has the same issues and more often than not they experience frustration around people approaching them only to tell them they aren’t ready to sign up yet.
I coach my clients on becoming the “go to” person in their industry so that they naturally stand out as the person to solve their ideal clients problems.
Being the “go to” person means you naturally become the choice person to work with on an issue or subject. When you position yourself in this way, you attract clients who are ready to work with you before they make contact (which is ideal for both of you) rather than wasting your time with people who aren’t ready to commit or invest.
Here are 4 ways you can attract clients who are ready to work with you:
Pre-qualify prospects
Make sure that you are only doing consults or strategy sessions with people who you have pre-qualified to work with you. That way, you know if they are a good fit for you and if they are ready to take the next step and start working with you.
Create expert content
Writing for different websites did amazing things for my career as it got me in front of an international audience. Think about the type of content that you can create on your blog or for websites that positions you as an expert whilst teaching and informing people about the work you do.
Be an example for your ideal clients
I taught this in Attract Your Ideal Clients. When clients look at you they should see the result they want to get from working with you. You’ll want to be an example for them to follow and you do that by walking your talk and taking the actions you are talking about.
If you want to attract clients that are ready to invest in themselves then you need to invest in yourself. Make sure that you are getting coached yourself or work with a really good business consultant to help you grow your business and audience.
Never trust a coach without a coach.
This article was originally published by Under30CEO
Author: Ryan James Lock is an international coach, writer and business consultant. He works with private clients around the world, showing them how to get more clients, make more money and grow their business.  He also writes for several publications around the world and teaches group programs. To find out more about Ryan go to www.ryanjameslock.com.
Published: November 3, 2014

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