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Your Character Traits Need to Match the Job

By: Lisa Patrick


Assessing characteristics of a current employee or a potential employee and matching their character with a suitable role within your company is not only vital to the success of your employees but also your business. Everyone is different to some degree or other, but it is recognizing those characteristics that are best suited for the job description and truly understanding the description of the job that ensures successful matching of the competencies of the job requirement and employee.

Ensure that when you look for professionals for your business you not only look for a unique character trait but other suitable traits that will honor their strengths. Some skills can be learned, but it is difficult to train people on their character. “If you hire the wrong person at the top of a company, they can destroy it in no time at all” says @RichardBranson in his recent article in LinkedIn, How I Hire: Focus On Personality
“Most of the candidates whose application cross my desk lack the basic character traits to become a successful employee’, says Vanessa Merti Nornberg @vanessanornberg, a writer for Inc.com, in her article What makes a great employee.
Dr. Peter T. Guy, founder of Optimax Human Performance, uses a system approach to optimize performance in individuals and collectively in teams and organizations. Dr. Guy has consulted with major corporations, government agencies, sports and entrepreneurs throughout North America and Europe. Dr. Guy is highly sought after for his expertise in personnel assessments, recruitment, selection, and identifying and maximizing the use of talents and competencies to achieve strategic objectives.
Dr. Guy identifies 3 traits that you should look for when seeking employees who are high achievers:
1. Having self-awareness on the right level by:
a) Understanding their your own character
b) Accepting their character
c) Running their life according to the character requirements (needs) e.g. right education, right profession, right relationships, etc.
2. Having strong specific competencies.
3. Matching personal profession related competencies with competencies required for a specific job.
The key point is to reach a life balance by all three components in order to achieve a high level of performance. Dr. Guy’s motto for the successful organizations is “Optimizing performance to maximize results by having the right people in right positions with the right job requirements. “
This article was originally published by Convention Business Travel
Published: November 7, 2013

a person

Lisa Patrick

Lisa Patrick is the Chairman and CEO of Convention Business Travel. She is a savvy, innovative, business-focused executive with a strong network and proven track record with corporate and strategy. Lisa started her career in law enforcement and is now the founder of several successful startups. Lisa prides herself on building relationships first and conducting business next. Today, she successfully balances business, marriage and motherhood.

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