Top 5 Interview Questions to Really Get to Know Your Candidates
By: SmallBizClub
In general, interviews only last between 30-45 minutes, so you have a relatively short period of time to find out about your candidates and make a decision on who to hire. The wrong hiring decision can be detrimental to a business, so it is important to find out as much as you can by asking the right questions.
The skills and experience of the candidate are obviously crucial, but their ability to fit in with the culture of the company are also of the upmost importance too. These are some key questions to consider asking candidates at the interview, to really get to know them.
What Motivates You?
The way the candidate answers this question can be a good indicator of the type of person they are and what it important to them. In any business, it is important to hire candidates who want to deliver a great service, improve the success of the business and who want to grow within the company.
Of course, everyone is motivated by money to some degree, but if this is how they choose to answer this question, it might sound off some alarm bells. This is particularly significant if the role is not well paid or if there is little room for progression, as it would be an indicator that they will leave as soon as a better offer comes along.
What Culture Do You Enjoy Working In?
There is no underestimating the importance of whether or not the candidate will fit in with the team and the overall culture of the business. If it is the wrong fit, the candidate will be unhappy within the role and it could cause problems throughout the team and the business as a whole.
Every business is different and we all like to work in different ways, so this is a great question to ask to find out more about the candidate. They may work better in a strict environment where they are micro managed, or they may find this way of working disruptive. It is important to get the right fit.
What Contribution Can You Bring to the Role/Company?
This can be a good question to ask to find out how much the candidate really knows about the role and how much time and effort they have spent finding out about the company. This effort can reveal a lot about the candidate and how much benefit they can be to the business.
If they know very little about the company, it shows a lack of preparation and genuine interest. However, if they have prepared well, it is a good sign that they are motivated, interested and professional in their approach.
Who is Your Greatest Role Model?
It can be really difficult to get to know a candidate during an interview and what sort of attributes they have or aspire to. This question can say a lot about the person and what they would like to achieve from their life. For example, are they the type of person who idolizes reality TV show stars like Kim Kardashian or are they inspired by entrepreneurs like Richard Branson? The answer to this can say a lot about whether or not they will be a good fit in your business.
What is Your Greatest Achievement?
This question can be a good way of finding out if the candidate has achieved a lot in their life and what they are most proud of. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a personal or professional answer; if they have achievements, it is a good sign that they have goals and motivation.
For example, they may have started their own business or completed a 10 mile race and both are valid in showing that they have some drive and determination. If the candidate struggles to answer anything for this question, it may not be a great sign!
Author: Tom Rowbottom is a professionally qualified Civil Engineer with 10 years’ experience in the construction sector and 10 years of frustration sourcing temporary staff for his projects. In 2015 he decided to shake up the temporary recruitment market and provide employers with an intuitive platform to not only alleviate the headaches of temporary staffing, but also provide a fast, cost effective and transparent recruitment service – TempAuction.