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How to Know It’s Time for Your First Hire

By: ScheduleBase


It’s a scary world out there for business owners. You grind yourself into the ground day in and day out to make ends meet. You serve your customers while trying to sell to new customers. It’s a whirlwind, no doubt. But is it time to get some help?

Burning the midnight oil can’t last forever. At some point, if you want your business to grow, you need to bring help on board. That means hiring your first employee.
If you’re on the edge about whether to post a job listing, ask yourself the following questions.
Can you afford to hire someone?
Do the math. You might surprise yourself with how affordable it is to bring an extra set of hands on board.
You don’t have to hire someone full time. Your first time employee can work part time for your company. Calculate what a part time employee on your team would look like. If you hire someone to work 10 hours per week at $15/hour, you’ll only spend $600/month in salary. That’s affordable for 40 hours of extra labor each month.
What is your gut telling you?
Chances are, you’re already teetering on the edge of hiring. The alternative is to stay overwhelmed as a single person operation. Do you take the risk of bringing a new person into your company? Or do you buck up and continue to take on a heavy workload?
When your head and heart are competing against each other, listen to your gut.
What feels right? Forget the risks and rewards for a second. Instead, focus on what your body is telling you is the next best step. If you listen closely enough, your gut checks can tell you more than you realize.
What will your day-to-day look like with an employee on board?
What will happen when the employee takes over? What tasks will she complete? What jobs will she perform? How will she make your everyday work a little easier?
Visualizing exactly what an employee can (and should) help you with, will give you clarity while making your decision. If you’re burning yourself out on tedious tasks that someone else can do for you, let them do it.
By outlining the specifics of what an employee will do, you’ll get a better idea of whether it’s the right time to make your first hire.
Hire Smart
Hiring your first employee will always fill you with a little anxiety. It’s normal. Calm your nerves and have confidence in the decision making process. When you’re ready to make your first hire, focus on using smart hiring practices.
Outline the exact tasks you need someone to help with. Craft a clear job description to attract the right people. Then, ask the right questions during the interview. With each of these smart hiring steps, you’ll find the perfect person for what you need.
Still nervous about making the leap? Sound off about what’s holding you back in the comments.
This article was originally published by ScheduleBase
Published: March 31, 2015

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ScheduleBase is online employee scheduling software from Atlas Business Solutions, Inc., a leading provider of business software solutions for over 20 years. ScheduleBase is used by all types of small businesses to schedule and communicate with full-time and part-time employees.

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