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Going Green: Making a Small Business Environmentally Friendly

As Americans strive to be more environmentally conscious, it only makes sense that small business owners should find ways to make their companies a little more “green” when they can. There are both financial and IRS tax benefits to doing this as well. According to 1800Accountant, check out the following simple tips on what you can do with your small business so that it is more environmentally friendly:

#1 – Reuse/Recycle Items Whenever Possible
In a reasonable manner, try to reuse or recycle anything that you use as part of your business. These items may include paper, plastic, office supplies, and other materials that can be utilized more than once. Recycling gives other small business owners an opportunity to use supplies that you may have used yourself. This practice can also keep more money in your pocket by limiting how much you spend on materials.
#2 – Avoid Using Paper If You Don’t Have To
In today’s digital world, there is almost no reason to use a substantial amount of paper in a small business. In some cases, paper may not be necessary at all. E-mail can save on sending regular snail mail. Smartphones and tablets allow you to access documents remotely, which means you no longer have to print out copies of various materials to have on-hand for meetings. Even digital signatures nowadays can be used instead of having someone use a pen to sign an agreement. Doing your part to save a tree may sound cliché, but it’s not a bad practice to follow.
#3 – Consider “Green” Transportation Strategies Like Carpooling
If you have business partners or employees involved in your business, consider carpooling whenever possible. This could be done going to and from work or when traveling to different locations for business purposes. Plus, carpooling allows you to save on fuel expenses. Additionally, certain car accessories are made with the environment in mind and can also help you save money.
#4 – Consider Utilizing Energy-Efficient Products
There has been a significant increase in energy-efficient items on the market in the last few years. Windows that reduce heat are a great option for small business owners with retail locations. They can also cut down on your electric bill, which can be a tremendous expense if you have a large amount of real estate for a small business. Other items like office supplies and cleaning solutions are sold to protect the environment, so consider using them as well. In addition, the IRS offers energy tax credits and tax deductions, so you may be able to reduce your tax liability by going green.
#5 – Unplug Or Turn Off Energy Eaters In An Office/Building
In many cases, small business owners are overwhelmed with the duties of their work that they forget to take care of the little things. One of these to-do list tasks is to turn off or even unplug anything that is connected to a power source. Doing so can reduce your energy consumption and, hence, reduce your power bill. Computers, scanners, phones, and other devices you use can be shut off in some way. Turn off the lights in a room when you aren’t using it. Simple steps can lead to big benefits for small business owners.
This article was originally published by 1800 Accountant
Published: January 2, 2014

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