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Getting Your Business Green Seal Certified

By: Bill Wortman



Many businesses pursue certifications for their products that they believe are environmentally friendly. But some businesses have the opportunity to go even further. Green Seal offers certification for entire companies in the product manufacturing industry.

Green Seal, a non-profit known for its certifications based on scientific testing and standards, began offering Company Certification in 2010. According to the Green Seal website, the new company certification standard “looks at a company’s products and business practices in their totality. Product manufacturers who achieve certification to these rigorous criteria will benefit from the ability to market themselves to consumers who are increasingly aware of the environmental and health impacts of the products they buy.”

The Standards

Green Seal’s Company Certification is based on a number of categories. These include:
  • Transparency and accountability at the corporate level
  • Aggressive goals, actions, and achievements in major social and environmental impact areas
  • Effective and accountable supplier management practices
  • Scientific life-cycle assessments on key product lines
  • Ambitious requirements for third-party certification of the company’s products
Depending on how your business measures up, Green Seal offers three levels of certification: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. At the higher levels, a business must meet all of the requirements of the lower levels, plus meet additional standards.

How to Get Certification

There are five steps to getting Green Seal’s Company Certification:

1. Application. You can download Green Seal’s application from their website, starting with an online preliminary application before filling out a formal application package.
2. Data Submission and Review. You are next required to send in all the data that Green Seal requires for certification.
3. Life Cycle Assessment Studies. Green Seal will study up to 5 of your company’s product lines, testing for the total environmental impact of the products at every stage from manufacture to use to disposal.
4. Meetings and On-Site Audits. Green Seal will examine your company’s formal policies on sustainability, and send representatives to audit your facilities.
5. Award of Certification. If you meet certification standards, Green Seal allows your business to use its certification mark in advertising and promotion. Before your certification anniversary, Green Seal will schedule a monitoring evaluation to ensure continued compliance with the highest standards.

Published: December 18, 2012

a person

Bill Wortman

As the Chief Business Consultant at BizCoachingOnDemand.com, Bill has over 40 years of business experience. He's held multiple executive-level positions and fulfilled the role of CFO at large, publicly-held (NYSE, NASDAQA, and AMEX) corporations. In addition, he's also been an owner of several successful private ventures in real estate and in the automotive industry.

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