Is your organization’s telephone number and email address buried deep in its website? How difficult is it for people to reach you?
The last thing you want is for existing and potential customers and partners to give up on your business (or nonprofit) because you made it too challenging for them to communicate with you. Yet, there are so many organizations doing just that. Tch, tch.
This is especially true for technology-based companies offering Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). If you want technical or sales support, there are generic email addresses you can use like support@ or sales@.
Some prefer those awful contact forms that I abhor! Please, just give me an email address so I can say what I need to say in as many characters as I choose!
What about those of us who want to follow up after initial communications? Maybe we sent a snail mail letter or an email and we want to talk to the individual on the telephone. What? No telephone number to call? Come on.
Related Article: Missing the Communication Target
If we accept a 2Talk.com, November 2014 study, “Consumer Behaviors Towards Multi-Channel Customer Service,” then the telephone still reigns as the most widely used channel for customer service. Yes, this old-fashioned, Alexander Graham Bell invention is preferred by 33.5% of consumers to resolve customer service issues.”
(from Beyond Your Logo: 7 Brand Ideas That Matter Most For Small Business Success)
I often wonder how many opportunities these companies miss because they aren’t making it easy to reach them?
Sure, I get it. They don’t want to be hounded by salespeople and pitches. But, the reality is that their reactions to, or avoidance of, these communications reflect their brands. If people have taken the time to communicate with individuals (by name) in your organization, then the organization owes it to them to respond. Yes, “owes.” It is part of doing business.
No matter how many email pitches and requests I receive, I reply to all those who took the time to personalize their messages. If the salutation is “hi” or has no greeting, that gives me license to delete those. It’s no different when they are part of mass distribution emails. To me, it’s simply being polite and practicing business etiquette.
Most of the time, I reply saying that I’m not interested and I wish them luck—before unsubscribing. You’d be amazed how many senders are surprised by the gesture and reply.
Have we automated so much of our lives that we have no obligation to act humanly anymore? Maybe I’m delusional, but, I do believe that my actions reflect my personal brand to be approachable and kind.
Either you want people to reach you or you don’t. Do you want more customers and opportunities?
What do you think?