There are lots of ways to measure a great leader. Here are three that should resonate with you as leader and with those who follow you. These qualities are applicable whether you are leading your company or a board, and certainly are aspiration targets for you if you are measuring yourself against the best.
The first quality in a great leader is to have laser focus. Every organization has limited resources, especially money and time. So a leader who is able to focus upon the core needs of the organization, eliminating all the surrounding noise, is one who uses the limited resources available to best effect. McDonald’s does this by focusing upon good food, delivered quickly. There are a million examples of great companies and their leaders focusing like a laser on core components of the business and succeeding where others failed because of the inefficient use of limited resources.
Second is consistency. It is more than difficult to follow a leader who changes course seemingly without reason, or sets standards that change by day or by whim, or rewards one person or department differently than others. Inconsistency breeds fear, disillusionment, and discontent among those suffering, following this flaw in leadership.
Third, a great leader establishes goals that lead all to maintaining forward progress. Stagnant companies lose their best employees, those wanting a challenge and upward mobility in a growth environment. Forward progress can be felt by all and celebrated as the company reaches new milestones toward its goals.
Measure yourself against these three qualities. Have the courage to ask a board member or even a direct report to comment on your three measures. Where do you need a bit of work? Not one of these requires formal education. So there is no excuse for failure to be your best in all three qualities.
This article was originally published by Berkonomics
Published: January 7, 2015