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10 Surefire Ways for Leaders to Stay Energized Every Day

By: SmallBizClub


10 Surefire Ways for Leaders to Stay Energized Every Day

Most effective and productive leaders know how necessary it is to stay energized. Leaders who forget this fact and become de-motivated do not only hurt their followers but also their businesses, as well.

In today’s competitive market, the best way for leaders to stay energized is to have mental nourishment centers. These nourishment centers, if utilized properly, have the ability to bring increased motivation, energy and encouragement.

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Here are 10 of most effective mental nourishment centers that leaders can start applying to their everyday lives to stay energized:

1. Soul

Taking time to lift your soul is essential for any leader. If our inward life is lifted up, then our outward life will reflect it.

One way I lift my soul is to maintain my spiritual life. Whenever I tap into my spiritual life, my energy and soul are lifted up. Finding things which uplift your soul will bring energy soaring into your life.

2. Hopes

Having bright hopes of the future can bring positive energy and motivation into your life. Reflecting on your dreams and hopes will increase your drive to do more.

Martin Luther said, “Everything that is done in the world is done by hope.” This is why we should take time to think more deeply about our hopes and dreams, and what they mean to us.

3. Home

A leader’s home life should be a place that refreshes and re-energizes. Spending time with family and doing activities with them has the ability to renew your soul and stabilize your emotional life.

A leader’s life should have a balance between their home life and work. Spending time with your family and loved ones should be a priority for all leaders.

4. Memories

Leaders should take time to create and reflect on good memories. We should reflect on past memories and also take the time to develop new ones. The positive memories we have, whether of people, places, or even thoughts, can allow us to stay fueled and inspired, if only we take the time to examine them.

5. Giftedness

Tapping into your areas of giftedness will allow you to maintain a uniquely high energy level. This is because you’re strongest and most passionate about the areas in which you excel.

Everyone has some area of giftedness, which means anyone can stay energized if they focus on their specialty. The key is to learn what your unique talents or skills are and spend your time in these areas.

6. Music

Music has the ability to connect with our emotions. Everyone knows songs that have touched their heart and soul.

Leaders should have 6-10 songs they can listen to on a regular basis. Those personally selected songs have the ability to give you emotional strength when leading others.

7. Reading

Take time to read and memorize good quotes and stories. It will stimulate your thinking, expand your knowledge, and inspire you with positive thoughts.

8. Experiences

Leaders should have positive experiences they can reflect on.

This might be a time with family or friends which lifted their spirit and soul. I often reflect on events I have experienced in my life like attending leadership conferences or joyful experiences I’ve had with my wife.

When thinking about these times I feel energized and motivated to excel and move forward.

9. Friends

“Friends are the most important ingredient in the recipe of life.” Anonymous

Having close friendships is essential for leaders.

Many times I have heard an encouraging word from a friend which lifted me up. It is important for leaders to develop lasting friendships with people who encourage and uplift them. Having close friendships keeps you centered and engaged, and in touch with who you are beyond the office.

10. Recreation

Having and taking time for recreational activities allows you to re-energize.

This means finding activities you enjoy doing during your free time. It might be things like running, volunteering, writing, reading, a sporting activity or hobby. Finding recreational activities that bring you satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment will translate back to your followers. Recreation can bring both physical and emotional energy and should be high on a leader’s list of regular activities.

Want to add something to this story? How do you get energized?

Zohaib AkhlaqAuthor: Zohaib Akhlaq is a Digital Media Specialist and Freelance writer. He is also the founder of How Entrepreneur, a site dedicated to sharing advice on entrepreneurship and small business. You can follow him on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

Published: December 15, 2015

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