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Top 10 Free Tools from Google for Your Business


Google is the gift that keeps on giving to businesses. Google provides dozens of tools and applications designed to help your business grow and increase your productivity. Best of all, they are totally free. Here are the top 10 free tools from Google for your business:

1. Adwords
Adwords is a tool that allows you to choose keywords related to your business in order to drive more traffic to your website. One of the best features of Adwords is its ability to target specific types of users. You can target customers located in certain areas or within a specified distance of your location. You can also target mobile users or desktop users. Adwords provides excellent tools to help you track your results, including Adwords’ keyword tool and performance placement reports.
2. Analytics
Another great tool for monitoring results is Google Analytics. This tool is essential for marketing your business because it not only measures how much traffic your website receives, but also delivers detailed statistics on the origins of that traffic and how often it results in conversions and sales. This tool will help you pinpoint which marketing methods are working best for your business—and which efforts are not.
3. Adsense
Adsense is an excellent way to monetize your content. Many marketers create websites for the purpose of linking or content development. You can generate revenue on your website by having your webmaster generate ad code from the header, sidebar and content of your site. Adsense will provide your site with ads that are relevant to the content. The amount of revenue generated will depend on the amount of traffic your site receives.
4. Drive
Google Drive is a file storage system that allows users to store and share files. Most importantly, Google Drive allows multiple users to work on the same document. This is an exciting free tool that allows employees to work remotely, which could save businesses overhead costs. Google Drive now houses Google Docs, a free office productivity suite which can produce word processing documents, spreadsheets, and presentations.
5. Gmail
This ubiquitous email service is now the most widely used in the world. In addition to its easy-to-use interface and generous storage capacity, one the top reasons to use Gmail is integration. Gmail has integrated features that enhance the use of Google+, Google Drive, Google Calendar, and many more Google apps.
6. Voice
Google Voice is a telecommunications service that can be a big money saver for your business. For U.S. users, the service provides free PC-to-phone calling to North American numbers and free PC-to-PC voice and video calling worldwide. For business marketers, users can set up Google Voice phone numbers related to a specific advertisement and use it as tool to track the efficacy of their ads.
7. Google+
This social networking site allows businesses to share their profile, photos and reviews. Joining Google+ will increase your business’s visibility on the Web because when a user searches for your business on Google, the Google+ page for your business will appear in a large box on the right-hand side. This box includes your business’s address, contact info, hours of operation, photos and reviews.
8. Calendar
From scheduling meetings to setting a reminder to attend that meeting, Google Calendar will help you keep it all straight. This application allows you to collaborate with other users and share your calendar with the public. It also integrates seamlessly with Gmail.
9. Wallet
If your business is mobile, then check out Google Wallet. This payment system allows users to store credit and debit cards, gift cards and loyalty cards. It also provides users the ability to redeem coupons and sales promotions using their cell phones. Google recently announced integration with Gmail, which will allow users to send money via a Gmail attachment.
10. Finance
Google Finance will help you track the stock performance of your favorite companies and stay up to date with breaking news from the financial world. You can customize your Google Finance page to display charts tracking stock or fund performance. You can also set up a variety of interactive charts that will help you monitor your business’s portfolio or your personal portfolio.
Published: June 4, 2013

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Jeff Shjarback

 Jeff Shjarback, MBA is a Digital Marketing Consultant, Writer and Blogger that enjoys blogging about internet marketing, business, lead generation, economics, innovation & emerging technology, future trend analysis and business philosophy.  To learn more about Jeff, you can visit his Google Author Profile.

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