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Go Big Data or Go Home: Small Business Can Benefit From In-memory Solutions

Changes in the way business is done have been plenty and have come at a rapid pace, thanks in large part to modern technology and its constant innovation. As the analysis and prediction of customer…


What’s Next For Security Authentication?

As more of us continue to work from home, the threat of cyber attacks continues to grow. Companies that did not have work from home protocols in place already before the pandemic struck struggled to…

7 Excellent Reminders to Use a Password Keeper

Are you using a password keeper to keep passwords safe and secure from hackers? No? Lucky for you, we’ve got seven reminders why you should be using a password keeper for all of your passwords….

How to Make Your Business More Secure in 2020

Are you confident that your business is cybersecure? Has the introduction of remote working brought about new risks? A recent survey CNBC survey found that phishing scams, spam and other cybersecurity threats have spiked as…

10 Essential Security Changes You Need If Working Remotely

Millions of people are transitioning to a new remote work environment, and discovering the benefits of working from home. During the COVID-19 pandemic, working remotely can reduce the rate of transmission, and in the meantime,…

Is Blockchain Tech A Solution To Digital Identity Theft? 

Identity theft has grown exponentially in recent years, and some of us may have even experienced it before. While the pre-modern era of identity theft involved looking for information or bank accounts through trash cans…

5 Cybersecurity Measures Your Remote Company Should Take

The coronavirus has caused a lot of pain and a lot of frustration in a lot of different walks of life. One of the most common changes a lot of people had to adjust to…

How to Fix the HTTPS Not Secure Error

What is HTTPS? HTTPS stands for “Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure”. It is an internet protocol that allows for the secure flow of information between a server (website) and client (whoever is accessing the server). HTTPS…

Do These 3 Things to Keep Your Business Safe and Secure

We all want to keep our businesses as safe and secure as possible. Creating a startup is never going to be easy and you’re going to have to invest a whole lot of time, effort…

Phishing Is Up During COVID-19 – Are You Prepared?

In the realm of cybersecurity, do you think you are covered? 74% of hackers say they are rarely impressed by an organization’s security measures. So why aren’t they impressed? Are your firewalls not tall enough,…

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