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Embracing Cloud Security [Infographic]

We’ve all heard about recent data breaches of the cloud in the news. If you’re considering using the cloud for your business, this recent news may be causing you to shy away. There are security solutions for the cloud, and they are effective and easy to use.

Are Your Employees Compromising Your Cyber-Security?

It does not matter what your view on the modern technologies in business is; if you are a business owner or in a management position of some kind, you will come into contact with the online world and your company will have at least some sort of a web-presence—perhaps only to the extent of storing data and sharing documents online.

Is Your Website a Security Time Bomb?

Wearing a helmet was optional in my state during my motorcycling years but I never had the guts to go helmet free. One mishap could have caused an ugly mess for me and for my dependents. So it is with your business and website security.

8 Password Mistakes Small Businesses Make

Password protection has changed dramatically over the years. Before the Internet, you only needed a password or two, unless you belonged to a fraternity or secret society. Today, we need a different obscure password for every account, which can quickly become overwhelming.

New Methods Hackers Use to Steal Credit Cards

Most consumers and businesses understand the risks of credit card fraud, but they doubt such an event will happen to them. Despite carefully choosing who receives their credit card information, monitoring their credit reports, and taking other measures to keep their data safe, conscientious individuals fall victim to thieves and con artists every day.

Protecting Your Business from the Most Common Methods of Cyber Attack

Cyber criminals have gotten smarter—so must you. Here are some of the most common attacks your organization will likely face, and how to defend against them.

Are Macs Really More Secure Than Windows PCs?

The idea that Macs are safer and less prone to viruses than Windows PCs has been around for as long as the internet itself. But just how much truth is there in this, particularly as it affects your small business?

7 Tested Tips to Keep Your Company’s Data Secure

It seemed like everyone I knew got a new credit card last year, and it wasn’t because of great introductory offers or frequent flyer miles. Instead, they were issued a fresh card after the onslaught of security hacking scandals in 2013.

Almost Half of Phishing Attacks are IT Related

Employees should be educated about the risks of phishing attacks, and learn to deny requests for authentication credentials, even from the IT department.

5 Vital Steps for Small Business Cyber Security

In the Medieval times—the age, not the dinner theater—all they had to worry about were the bugs that lived on rats. Today we have to contend with super bugs that resist the most powerful antibiotics, along with bugs, viruses,Trojan Horses, malware and hackers that plague the virtual world.

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