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5 Ways to Protect Your Construction Business Against Cybersecurity Threats

Admit it—you’ve clicked on a questionable link, answered an unnecessary online survey, or been too lazy to update an app. Everyone’s done it. If you’re feeling a bit queasy about these lapses in cybersecurity judgment…

What Should Small Businesses Know About Cybersecurity in 2018?

As 2017 comes to a close, cybersecurity professionals are looking at the year ahead, and predicting how the industry will change in 2018 and beyond. Inc.com’s Joseph Steinberg recently spoke with Steve Morgan, Founder and…

5 Cybersecurity Tips for CPAs

Every day, CPAs handle documents populated with their clients’ most sensitive personal details. Names; addresses; Social Security Numbers; bank or savings account details; credit card numbers; tax information. These details and others are there on…

7 Ways to Keep Your Servers Safe and Sound

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself how safe your company’s resources really are? When it comes to your servers, there’s no messing around. Servers need to be regularly monitored to ensure they run at…

Post-Equifax: The Best Ways to Keep Yourself and Your Business Safe from Hackers

A few years ago, most business was conducted within the walls of their own office. Important documents were typed up, printed, and filed away in a safe place at the company. However, in the past…

5 Simple Ways to Make Your Security System Work Better for You

If you’re like most small business owners, you may not give your company’s security much thought. What with the day-to-day challenges of running a business, it’s easy to go years without reevaluating your security setup….

Use Network Segmentation to Make Security Manageable

Hackers are trying to destroy your business. According to a recent study by Cybersecurity Ventures, “global annual cybercrime costs will grow from $3 trillion in 2015 to $6 trillion annually by 2021, which includes damage…

What Do White Supremacists and a History of Hacktivism Have in Common with DDoS Attacks?

Much of the United States and the world beyond watched in frustration as events unfolded recently in Charlottesville, Virginia. Frustration that the rally was happening in the first place, frustration over the violence, including the…

Social Media Do’s and Don’ts for Home Safety

Home security and social media can be a dangerous mix. Today’s technology and the prevalence of apps like Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat have become extra tools for criminal and marketers alike. And whilst you wouldn’t…

Choose an Appropriate Cloud Service Provider to Guarantee Your Data Service

So many small businesses realize how useful cloud technology is for them and they want to learn how to choose the very best cloud service provider. Unfortunately, in most cases the review done of the…

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