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3 Key Startup Jobs to Outsource

If you’re running an early-stage startup, chances are there are some knowledge gaps in your core team. You may be strong on the technical side or a product whiz, but what about financial strategy, administration, HR? Are you prepared to manage the day-to-day of your startup, from recruiting new talent to bookkeeping to financial planning?

4 Reasons Why Being a Mompreneur Is Healthy for Both the Kids and the Business

Power to the mompreneurs indeed! Being both a parent and owner of a small business is not without its daily balancing act. As both a CEO and mom to two very active sons, I know all about the art of time management and taking care not to spread myself too thin with the activities I participate in. I love being a mompreneur and find it to be the gift that keeps on giving for both my children and the company.

The Danger of Being Undercapitalized

It’s always exciting to think about the idea of having your own new start up. You hear about stories where entrepreneurs started with just $300 and a cardboard box and then turned their business into millions. In reality, having worked with many types of business owners, the first mistake made by most is simply not having enough capital or access to capital while growing your business.

How to Beat the Competition with Boldness!

If you are bold enough to really position yourselves as leaders in your fields you can develop powerful relationships. Most companies simply follow the leader and their brands and brand images reflect this. These are short lived differentiators developed with little thought but appreciated by competitors who appreciate how bold branding can really benefit them.

What’s Stopping You From Starting a Business (But Shouldn’t)?

Many people dream of owning their own businesses, but never actually make it happen. There’s always an excuse as to why: You don’t have the money. You don’t know anything about business. The list goes on and on. But if running your own business is truly something you’re passionate about, any of these obstacles can be overcome with a little effort.

The “You” Makeover

At age 47, Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu, the woman we know as Mother Teresa, decided it was time to do something different. She’d been teaching in a private school for years and thought she might have more impact elsewhere. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that listening for her next calling was a good idea.

5 Tell-Tale Signs That You’re a Bookshelf Brand

“A Bookshelf Brand.” It sounds like it might be a compliment doesn’t it? At first glance, you might think of the bookshelf as a place where you keep your important stories and reference resources. I can see how one could think that way, but I have a different idea in mind. To me, a bookshelf brand refers to brands that are inactive for any reason.

Three Lessons I Wish I Knew Before Starting My First Startup

If I had discovered these top three lessons when I first began as an entrepreneur, perhaps I would have been able to indulge in more than deli sandwiches earlier on in my career. If you’re a first time entrepreneur, taking these tips to heart can really influence your progress…

The Importance of Lifestyle Businesses

Too often we make the mistake of seeing entrepreneurs like Donald Trump and Steve Jobs as the examples that all businesses should follow. However, the great majority of firms in this country are not truly entrepreneurial but more what I call “lifestyle businesses.” These lifestyle businesses add so much to our economy and the welfare of so many employees.

10 Laws for Creating an Effective Personal Brand

For many small business owners, they are the brand of their business. It’s about you, as an individual. So what steps should you take to create an effective personal brand? Here are 10 tips.

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