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Top 7 Tips for Individuals Starting a Pharmacy Business

Many people are tired of the chain pharmacies and want more of a personal feeling. With a small, independent pharmacy business, the pharmacists can get to know their clients, and the clients can feel a bit more confident that they are being taken care of. So how does someone start a pharmacy business?

7 Key Elements of a Successful Crowdfunding Campaign

Crowdfunding can be an effective tool for accomplishing your startup goals. Whether you’re looking to jumpstart your marketing efforts, expand your customer base, or reach out to friends and family for funding, crowdfunding provides a platform to rally support around you and your company.

How to Start a Home-Based Business

If you’re thinking of starting a business but may be overwhelmed with all of the tasks at hand, consider starting it out of your home. You’ll have lower overhead if you don’t have to pay for office space, and the shortest commute in the world! Here are tips for starting a home-based business.

How to Re-Build a Successful Team the Second Time Around

For the serial entrepreneur, it’s hard to know whether to bring back the same team or start fresh for your second or third company. If you’re building a team the second or third time around, here are some questions to ask before you start calling the original team back to action.

Avoid Penalties and Fees: How to Keep Your Business in Compliance

For a small business, the number of filings required in a given year can be overwhelming, taking much needed time away from growing your business into a success. This may seem like trivial paperwork, but it’s actually pretty important.

5 Essential Components When Planning a Startup Business

If you’ve been thinking about pursuing your very own startup business, there are a few considerations that you’ll want to keep top of mind. Although these components are not the most exciting aspects of planning a startup, they are essential to ensure the future success and sustainability of your business.

Invention: The Entrepreneurial Curse

Unfortunately, the death knell for many wide-eyed entrepreneurs is that they consider themselves inventors. More specifically, they confuse being inventive with being innovative. And when they do, they run out of cash, time and customers. In other words, they run out of business.

3 Ways to Business Ownership Freedom

Generally speaking, there are three ways to go into business for yourself, including starting a business from scratch, buying an existing business to run, or investing in a franchise opportunity. One of these three options has a much higher rate of success over time.

How to Keep Business Franchise Opportunities from Floundering

You shouldn’t assume franchises are fail-safe. They’re a wonderful way for professionals to build thriving small businesses, but there are some icebergs out there potential franchise owners need to avoid. Here are five:

5 Industries Set to Perform in All Economic Environments

Proven business models, forecasted revenue results and a myriad of financing options have become the attractive calling cards of a paradigm shift in thinking—one that rests squarely with self-reliance. We look to franchise concepts that perform well in any type of economy. Below is our All-Star list.

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