Sales Activities
Drive More Sales with Customer Problem Knowledge
I read an article entitled, “Drive Sales With Product Knowledge.” It was a good article, actually covering a lot a great issues, but focused on the importance of having strong product/solution knowledge. We know sales…
Expand Sales by Going to Your Existing Customers First
“If we can keep our competitors focused on us while we stay focused on the customer, ultimately we’ll turn out all right.” ~Jeff Bezos So many business owners think they must reach for new customers…
How Startups Can Take Advantage of Pop-Up Shops
You have what you think is a great business idea. You have identified a gap in the market. You have a passion and a belief it will work. It is a story that has been…
Win Fast, Lose Faster
Inevitably, as I do pipeline and deal reviews, I see sales people hanging onto too many bad deals. The deals are hopeless, the sales person may reluctantly admit it, but stubbornly wants to keep it…
It’s Never Too Early to Start Selling to Customers
Savvy entrepreneurs start testing their ideas on potential customers even before the concept is fully cooked. They have enough confidence in their ability to deliver that they don’t worry about someone stealing the idea to…
Speed Kills!
No, I haven’t become the spokesperson for the National Highway Safety Commission, I’ve had more than my fair share of speeding tickets (and actually far fewer than I deserve.) I just read a horrible piece…
A Losing Strategy: “Our Product is Better Than Theirs”
The other day, I was having breakfast with a frustrated executive. He had just reviewed a playbook that had been developed and was being launched to sales. It was the result of an effort between…
Why the Sales Funnel is Alive and Well on the Web
Do a quick search for phrases around the death of the sales funnel. There’s article after article opining that the sales/marketing funnel is dead because the buyer’s journey is no longer linear. Makes sense, right?…
Prescriptive Selling
I’m seeing a trend toward increasing prescription in selling. By that, I mean marketing, sales enablement, or management are prescribing the activities, actions, scripts, conversations their people should be having. Many of the new technologies…